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Kendra Walters

Academics / Departments & Programs / Music / Student Experience / Meet Our Majors

Have you received any awards?

I have been extremely blessed by Calvin financially. Over the course of my three years at Calvin so far, I have received the Tom and Marcia Nobel Music Scholarship, Hets Molenhouse Music Scholarship, Mildred E. Troske Music Scholarship, Allene Huizenga Goguen Music Education Scholarship, and others.

Describe your experience at Calvin in three words.

It's hard to describe such a life-changing place and period of my life in just three words, but if I had to choose I would say "belonging", "fulfillment", and "growth." I can admit that I was one of those kids that came to college kicking and screaming; I liked my life as it was and hated change in any form so I wasn't sure college would be for me. But Calvin has really given me a sense that I belong here, that I'm accepted, and am a part of the body of Christ. Calvin has allowed me to use my gifts in so many different capacities and all of those have been so fulfilling both emotionally and spiritually. And lastly, I've grown so much since coming here. I've felt mature for my age since I was in kindergarten so by the time college rolled around, I was confident in who I was and felt like I had life mostly figured out. Of course none of us are ever finished products and college reminded me of that—I had (and have) a lot of growing and stretching left to do and Calvin has helped me do this in so many different ways.

What led you to Calvin University and the study of music?

It's nearly impossible for me to imagine a life without music as it has played such a monumental role in my life. That said, I've always felt the desire to share my love of music with others so that it can change them the way that it's changed me. But I also think it's important that people realize that there's so much more to music than just leisurely listening to the radio or going to a concert—the theory and history and emotion that can lay behind just a simple melody has astounded and inspired me to learn more about music. I was born and raised in the greater Grand Rapids area so Calvin was not a new name to me. But after an official college visit and researching their music department, I knew that this would be a place where I would be challenged and would learn more about God and His world so it seemed like an easy choice.

What do you enjoy most about being a music major? 

Picking and choosing from so many things here, but I would have to say I've enjoyed the people that I've encountered through the music department. I have found my two best friends along with many others through various musical activities. It's such a great feeling to know that other people love and appreciate music as much as or more than you do.

When do you plan to graduate and with what degree?

I hope to graduate in May of 2018 with a bachelor's degree in Music Education with a vocal emphasis.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

With any job, I think it's important that we recognize that we're not our own, but belong to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That said, I'd like to be a high school choir director somewhere in West Michigan, but know that ultimately I belong to Jesus and will do my best to trust Him wherever He may lead me. But as I'm not defined by my career, I also hope to be a wife and mother, a worship leader/director, a private piano/voice instructor, and a devoted follower of Jesus.

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