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Kaitlyn DeVries

Academics / Departments & Programs / Music / Student Experience / Meet Our Majors

Have you received any awards?

During my time at Calvin, I have received the Harold and Louise Feringa Music Scholarship as well as the Allene Huizinga Goguen Music Education Scholarship.

Describe your experience at Calvin in three words.

Formative, Challenging, Inspiring.

What led you to Calvin University and the study of music?

I had always wanted to be a music teacher ever since I was little girl. I had taken piano lessons throughout my life and knew that music was my passion and what I wanted to pursue. When I visited Calvin, I fell in love with the community I experienced. After considering a lot of different options (including many music schools in Tennessee) and praying about where I should go, I felt pulled towards Calvin. Being able to grow and develop in a loving Christian community was something I really desired, and I think that my decision to come to Calvin ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made.

What do you enjoy most about being a music major? 

I can narrow it down to two things, although there are many more things I love about being a music major. First, I love that I have the opportunity to hear beautifully performed music almost every weekend throughout the year. Whether it is going to the Symphony to watch Dr. Shangkuan or Professor Varineau conduct, or attending student recitals of friends, or attending Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band concerts, the list goes on. I take these opportunities for granted and I know that when I am not here next year I am going to really miss attending all of these wonderful concerts. Second, I love that the other music education students feel like family to me. I have gone through so much with them, and I know that they will support me and encourage me even when I make mistakes. I don't think a lot of large universities have this same kind of community.

When do you plan to graduate and with what degree?

I plan to graduate with my Bachelor's of Music Education with a Vocal Emphasis.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

My hope is that I can continue to teach in a secondary choral program, as I really enjoy directing the high school choir that I have now. After a few years, I would like to pursue a masters in music education.

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