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Jana Dykhuis

Academics / Departments & Programs / Music / Student Experience / Meet Our Majors

What led you to Calvin University and the study of music?

God’s grace. One of my favorite stories to tell about Calvin happened the summer before I began my freshman year. I have wanted to be a teacher since second grade, and I always thought I would simply do music on the side. However, as I was sitting in my aunt’s office in the education department, she asked me what emphasis I would like to focus on if I was to teach secondary education. All of a sudden, my eyes welled up with tears. I realized that I did not want to spend a day of my life not doing music. Calvin has been a place where I can pursue music in a liberal arts context and explore how it connects to every area of life, especially those areas outside of the classroom. Leading worship is a key part of that, and I love how many incredible opportunities I have been given to do so not only at Calvin but in Grand Rapids as well.

What do you enjoy most about being a music major?

Every single day, I get to learn, share, and grow through something that I love—music. Perhaps the one thing that makes the biggest difference here is the music department itself. The community created by a tradition of excellence, dedicated students, staff who go the extra mile, and passionate and brilliant professors who care about you not only as students and musicians but also as people has made a tremendous impact on my time here.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

As of now, I hope to teach abroad for a few years after I graduate and then return to the United States to attend graduate school. I aspire to be a collegiate choral conductor, but I also know that God has plans beyond what I can see. In the words of John Calvin, “However many blessings we expect from God, His infinite liberality will always exceed all our wishes and our thoughts.” And until I grow up, I seek to rest in the promise that God is shaping me here at Calvin for his work and worship in the world, whatever that may look like.

Have you received any awards?

Yes; last year, the Arlene and Ray Music Scholarship and the Trena Haan Voice Scholarship. This year I received the Henry and Nellie Music Award and the Seymour Swets Voice Award.

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