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Caleb Sinclair

Academics / Departments & Programs / Music / Student Experience / Meet Our Majors

Have you received any awards?

Yes! I have been generously supported during my time at Calvin by the Friends of Music Scholarship, the James J. and Helen A. DeJonge Voice Scholarship, the Gayla R. Witte Oratorio Scholarship, and the Calvin College Dean's Scholarship.

Describe your experience at Calvin in three words.

Music, Community, Love. I choose these three because they act as themes which underlie every interaction, experience, and growth I have had during my time at Calvin. They additionally serve as areas in which I continually am seeking to grow beyond my time at Calvin.

What led you to Calvin University and the study of music?

My first satisfying experience with music came from my sophomore choir in High School. I initially joined the group so I could fulfill a curricular requirement, but after the very first day, I fell in love with the challenge of group singing, the joy of the community I found there, and the beauty that I experienced as a result. I knew after that year that I wanted to study to become a music director. I arrived at the decision to study at Calvin after a long and arduous search for the right college. For me, Calvin displayed excellence in their commitment to strong academics, musical development, community growth, and love for God. For me, this is why Calvin was and continues to be "the right college."

What do you enjoy most about being a music major?

I think one of the most fulfilling aspects of being a music major is the continual process of growing that takes place within yourself and among your peers. Since beginning my study at Calvin, I've discovered things about myself that I didn't know before, especially concerning how I approach music and what I care about as a musician. As a result, my whole outlook on being a musician changes significantly for the better. In short, I love being a part of a community that encourages and provides a space for this process of discovery and growth. It's even more rewarding when this process takes place communally, both inside and outside the classroom.

When do you plan to graduate and with what degree?

I'm on track to graduate in May, 2017 with my Bachelor's of Music Education (BME) with a focus in Choral Music.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be so many things! My hope is to teach high school choir for a number of years. I also plan to direct church or community choruses. Beyond that, I'm planning on doing graduate/doctoral work to teach & direct on the undergraduate level. One particular goal I have is to partner with some colleagues to develop an undergraduate off-campus program for music majors which explores the intersections of music, community, faith, justice, and love.

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