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Academic Awards

Each year, we recognize the many ways our faculty have contributed to education at Calvin University through outstanding teaching, scholarship and service.

Faculty responsibilities are multi-faceted. The following targeted awards have been established to allow the university to recognize the variety of contributions faculty make to Calvin University.

Teaching awards

Presidential Award for Exemplary Teaching
2024 recipient: David Smith (Education)
The Presidential Award for Exemplary Teaching is testimony to the fact that the heart of a Christian liberal arts university is the teaching by its faculty. This award recognizes exemplary teachers and advances outstanding teaching at Calvin University.

FEN Award for Excellence in Teaching
2024 award recipient: Won Lee (Religion)
The From Every Nation Award for Excellence in Scholarship recognizes innovative scholarly and creative work of Calvin University faculty that advances understanding of the various themes of FEN.

Innovative Teaching Award
2024 award recipients: John Wertz and Randall DeJong, jointly (Biology)
The Innovative Teaching Award recognizes and encourages faculty members who have contributed significant, creative teaching innovations and strategies that promote effective and deeper learning.

Community-Based Teaching Award
2024 award recipient: Julie Yonker (Psychology)
The Award for Community-Based Teaching recognizes faculty members who have pursued significant academic community engagement that promotes effective learning in partnership with the church, community organization, agency or business.

Teaching Excellence Award for Adjunct Instructors
2024 award recipients: Kristen DeBoer (Nursing), Eric Walstra (Engineering)
The Teaching Excellence Award recognizes excellent teaching of students and faithful service to an academic department. It also acknowledges the significant role of affiliated and adjunct faculty in advancing the mission of Calvin University.


Scholarship Awards

Provost’s Award for Enduring Scholarly Contribution
2024 recipient: Frans van Liere (Historical Studies)
The Provost’s Award for Enduring Scholarly Contribution acknowledges the body of a lifetime of scholarly work, with all forms of scholarship and creative work considered.

FEN Award for Excellence in Scholarship
2024 recipient: Mark Mulder (Sociology and Social Work)
The FEN Award for Excellence in Scholarship recognizes scholarly and creative work that advances understanding of ideals and aspirations of the From Every Nation document.

Faith-Animated Scholarship Award
2024 recipient: Derek Schuurman (Computer Science)
The Faith-Animated Scholarship Award acknowledges faculty scholarship that demonstrates the integration of Reformed Christian perspectives and principles with a field or discipline, or a combination thereof.

Excellence in Scholarship Award – mid-career
2024 recipient: Kristin DuMez (Historical Studies)
The Excellence in Scholarship – Mid-Career award acknowledges the scholarly accomplishment of a faculty member following tenure (and up to around the mid-point of their career), with all forms of scholarship and creative work considered.

Excellence in Scholarship Award – early career
2024 recipient: William Miller (Biology)
The Excellence in Scholarship – Early Career award acknowledges the scholarly accomplishment of a faculty member before tenure is awarded, with all forms of scholarship and creative work considered.

Excellence in Student-Faculty Research Award
2024 award recipient: Keith Grasman (Biology)
The Excellence in Student-Faculty Research Award recognizes a Calvin faculty member with an outstanding record of working with student collaborators in his or her professional research and scholarship.


Service Awards

Exceptional Service Award
2024 award recipients: Joel Westra (Politics), Amy Wilsterman (Biology)
The Exceptional Service Award recognizes exceptional service that has made significant contributions to the flourishing of the university.

Advising and Mentoring Award
2024 award recipients: Marj Terpstra (Education), Sam Smartt (Communication)
The Advising and Mentoring Award recognizes and affirms the significant role of faculty advising and mentoring in forming the minds and shaping the lives of students.