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Dr. Elizabeth Oommen

Associate Professor


  • BASLP (Bachelors in Audiology & Speech Language Pathology) - Manipal University (India), 2007
  • MA (Speech Language Pathology) – Ohio University, 2009
  • PhD (Speech-Language Science) – Ohio University, 2013

Academic Interests

  • Quantifying normal swallowing function and dysphagia using objective tools such as sEMG, manometry, temporal and biomechanical measurements of oropharyngeal swallowing, etc.
  • Examining the contributions of oropharyngeal musculature in swallowing, and the effects of therapy exercises on oropharyngeal musculature and swallowing function
  • Using qualitative methodology to explore assessment and intervention practices in speech-language pathology, especially in the areas of motor speech disorders and dysphagia

Teaching focus

Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses focusing on swallowing and swallowing disorders, motor speech disorders, and voice disorders across the life span.


Swallowing and swallowing disorders, motor speech disorders, natural speech and AAC interventions for children and adults with motor speech disorders
