Grow spiritually and serve God in the every day
Your faith grows when you’re in this vibrant, Christian community. Chapel and worship services, student-led Bible studies, and conversations over coffee with a Campus Ministries chaplain all serve to connect you to a community of Christians that worships and serves God.
student leaders in dorms that plan Bible studies and worship
chapel services held annually
church denominations represented
of Calvin’s faculty members are committed Christians
Live Out Your Faith

Join the Calvin community as we take a daily break from classes, homework, and other activities to seek God together.

Bible Studies
Every semester, our community focuses on a theme. Choose from many different groups that meet weekly.

Local Churches
Discover the diversity of churches in Grand Rapids and find the one that fits you to embark on a journey of faith and community.

Leadership Opportunities
Lead chapel worship or discipleship (Bible studies, worship, community events, and prayer).

Pursue God's shalom in learning together through community-based service-learning.
What we believe
Behind Calvin’s mission of equipping students to be agents of renewal in the world is a set of deep beliefs tied to the Reformed tradition of historic Christianity.
God, who is sovereign over all, created all things, and they were good. He gave human beings, made in his image, the responsibility of caring for this world.
Sin entered the world through humanity’s rebellion against God, tainting every aspect of creation. Nevertheless God graciously preserves the world, holding all things in his care.
In his saving grace, God kept his promises by sending Jesus Christ to redeem all things through his death and resurrection. Jesus calls all people to salvation through faith in him alone.
The Holy Spirit continues God’s creative and restorative work in the world, gathering people from every tongue, tribe, and nation into the body of Christ and empowering them for service.
The Bible is the authoritative, Spirit-breathed Word of God, fully reliable in leading believers to know God and to walk with Christ in newness of life.