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Leadership Opportunities

Use your gifts and passions

At Calvin, leading is about boldly serving the community with the gifts and passions God has given to us. Campus Ministries provides leadership opportunities within Worship and Discipleship to serve those around you while you cultivate your skills and seek God’s calling. Ultimately, your work will draw others closer to Christ as you grow and uncover his purposes in your life.

Lead worship

Calvin offers over 170 Chapel and LOFT worship services across campus each year. Explore opportunities in a wide variety of roles to make these services happen.

Discipleship leadership

The vision of the Barnabas team is to help foster faith communities at Calvin University in which students are encouraged and empowered to know Jesus and make Jesus known. Barnabas create and facilitate healthy rhythms for faith formation in their own lives and in their ministry contexts through Bible study, worship, prayer, and community. Barnabas serve in the Residence Halls, KE apartments, and the Outdoor Rec Ministry.

Discipleship Assistants (DAs) participate in the development of Christian formation and community in by primarily leading and mentoring a team of Barnabas student leaders in either the dorms, KE apartments, or in the Outdoor Rec Ministry. This position places the Campus Ministries Discipleship Assistant in a setting where they will conduct meaningful ministry among student leaders while being directed and mentored by Campus Ministries Staff.