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Faculty Activity Reporting

This form is for faculty and administrators with faculty status. Before you report, please check your previous public submissions in your workday profile under your "career" tab. If you have questions about what to report, please refer to our FAQ below.

To report your activity, enter the information in workday by entering "create request" in your search bar and following the instructions. Here is a job aid to assist you.

To create an internal funding report on a crf or sabbatical, enter the information in workday by entering "create request" in your search bar and following the instructions. Here is a job aid to assist you.

Recent Activities


Who should report on the Faculty Activity Reporting form?

Faculty and administrators with faculty status.

When should I report my activities?

Single items may be entered at any time. You are encouraged to enter information as it becomes available.

How do I report a single activity or event that fits into more than one FAR category?

Enter it once under the category that YOU would want to emphasize, and use the comment box to add information.

Am I expected to report ALL of my scholarly activities?

Not necessarily. The point is for everyone to report at least those activities that are the highlights of his/her scholarly life. Overall, it is up to each faculty member to decide which activities are worth reporting, except in a few key areas.

What specific kinds of information are CRITICAL for institutional records and external reporting?

All information related to the following is important and should be reported:

  • Student-faculty research projects and publications
  • Activities that led to or resulted from external grants
  • Activities related to teacher education and work with P-12 schools and/or students
  • FEN-related activities (see FAQs on FEN-related activities)
  • Sustainability-related activities
  • Why are there so many FAR categories and item types?

The various types and categories are meant to suggest there is a broad range of things that might be worth reporting. The idea is that lots of activities can be seen as contributions to our scholarly community.

The categories provide a way of collecting and storing information in a database so that it can be organized, searched, and used effectively.

How will the FAR information be used?

  • Department chairs draw from this information for their annual State of the Department reports.
  • Tabulated data provides evidence for grant and gift proposals and other statistical reports.
  • Activities may be highlighted in Calvin's web pages or other publicity materials or may receive other forms of public recognition.
  • Reporting From Every Nation (FEN) related activities helps the college to monitor progress on FEN goals and to improve FEN programming.
  • Reporting on sustainability related teaching and scholarship helps the college know what is already happening on campus as well as plan for future initiatives.

When will the information be used?

  • Reports will be monitored continually in conjunction with Calvin's publicity and recruitment efforts.
  • Reports will be accessed for institutional reporting purposes at various times of the year.

How can I access past FAR information or internal funding reports?

Go to your profile page in workday, and select "career" to see past FARs.

Begin submitting your FAR report.

More questions? Contact the Office of the Dean for Faculty Development and Research Initiatives. Please feel free to give us any suggestions you might have about refining the reporting process.

Thank you in advance for telling us more about your work!