Inclusion Concentration Description

The Inclusion Concentration prepares educators with the knowledge, skills and experiences to include all learners in school communities across the globe. Through theory, research, practice and Christian vision for shalom, candidates will explore how to support administrators, teachers, families and community stakeholders in designing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining transformative school programs and classroom practices. Guided by a commitment to equity, excellence, and justice, Inclusion Specialists will work with others to empower a wide range of students with identified disabilities, cultural differences, and unique capacities.

Calvin University's M.Ed. degree with an inclusion concentration prepares educators to promote incusion in schools and classrooms. By graduation, you will be able to create school-wide policies, programs, and practices that include all members of learning communities. The courses combine theoretical knowledge with real-world skills. Our graduates are prepared to propose programs that integrate culturally inclusive practices that support all learners. Fostering collaboration, our coursework prepares educators to design and support inclusive initiaitive in classrooms and schools.

Inclusion Concentration Overview

Required core courses (6 credits):

Flexible core courses: choose two (6 credits)

Concentration courses (9 credits)

Practicum course (2 credits)

  • When planning your courses, please consult with your advisor about your practicum course.

Elective courses (9 credits)

  • or Elective 1
  •  Elective 2
  •  Elective 3

Total semester hours: at least 30 credits


James Rooks

James Rooks

Full profile