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Consult for a local business. Get an internship.

Your Calvin Action Project (CAP) will give you plenty of opportunities to network with local professionals. Learn how business alum Jenna Lodewyk’s CAP turned into an internship.

Photo credit: Amanda Montgomery

  • Author: Staff
  • Published: October 2, 2019
  • Categories: Alumni
  • Author: Staff
  • Published: October 2, 2019
  • Categories: Alumni

Jenna Lodewyk capitalized on the opportunities she was given. At Calvin, all business students work on at least one Calvin Action Project (CAP). Through this opportunity, students act as consultants for real businesses.

For her project, Jenna worked with local restaurant Matchbox Diner & Drinks. Through this experience, Jenna did more than just build her résumé and employ her business skills—she also landed an internship.

How did your Calvin Action Project prepare you to find a job?

The opportunity to work with a business, do market research, and analyze and present our findings was extremely valuable. This Calvin Action Project taught me the value of teamwork, gave me real world experience, and sparked a new excitement for collaborating with businesses.

Through this project, I was able to network with the owners. I was later invited to interview for an internship with another company that the owners are associated with.

Learn more about how CAPs prepare you for your career »

What’s one thing you would want to tell someone starting their journey at Calvin? 

My journey at Calvin has been as good as I have made it. Getting involved and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone made all the difference. There are plenty of amazing opportunities on campus, but it’s also easy to pass them up because they are uncomfortable at first. Through getting involved, I found people who shared my passions and others who opened my eyes to new ways of seeing the world.

  • Author: Staff
  • Published: October 2, 2019
  • Categories: Alumni


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