Laura Vos '10

More about Laura

  • Lives in: Tennessee
  • Field: Middle School Teacher
I think Calvin prepared me for teaching through TFA by teaching me to reflect on my work and reflect on my relationship with God so that I can better understand His plan for my life.”

I officially graduated in December of 2010 with a major in History and a minor in English within the Secondary Education track. I am currently a 7th grade ELA teacher at a middle school in Memphis, TN through Teach For America (TFA). I am currently in the middle of transferring schools however, and seeking a history position.


Why did you choose to major in history at Calvin? Why did you choose your minor?

I decided to be a history major at Calvin because of my interest in the subject back in middle school. I also had an excellent U.S. history teacher in high school who I really admired. Similarly, I decided to be an English minor because of my high school English teachers. As an education major it also made sense to pursue a minor in English because of the amount of writing that is required in history courses; moreover, there is a larger demand for English teachers because of the high burn out rate.

How did your time at Calvin prepare you for what you are doing now?

I think Calvin prepared me for teaching through TFA by teaching me to reflect on my work and reflect on my relationship with God so that I can better understand His plan for my life. I have overall really appreciated the emphasis Calvin places on learning how to live well in Christ. This has helped me to establish a balance between my professional and personal life as well as how I live out my faith despite the amount of work I am required to complete.

What are your plans for the future?

After I complete my TFA commitment I plan to teach for five years and then pursue a PhD in American history and a masters in urban education in hopes to return to Calvin and advise secondary education history majors. I hope to develop an urban education program at Calvin because I think that is an important field, and Calvin students should be encouraged to offer their talents to help redeem the public education system in the U.S.

Do you have any advice for current students or those thinking of majoring in history at Calvin?

My advice for current students majoring in history at Calvin is to get experience in a variety of fields before leaving college so that you are more familiar with what you want to pursue. Before graduating I did internships at a museum, an archive, and various schools and this helped me to better understand the passions God has put on my heart to pursue. I feel a better sense of direction for how to use the talents God has given me to redeem this world and begin to build the foundations for His Kingdom here on earth.


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