To download a file, right-click its link and select ‘Save link as…’

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How to personalize PDF templates

Personalized yard sign celebrating Katherine Fetter.Download the PDF file to your computer. Edit customizable fields and photo areas in Adobe Acrobat. You can print at home or upload to your local printer for production. Your local sign shop or printer may also be able to help you customize the text and photo fields. If you need help with these files, please email us:

Photo: Yard sign by Calvin parent William Fetter.


How to customize your Zoom background
  1. Right-click and Save as... the background you want to use.
  2. In Zoom, click the upward arrow ^, next to the Stop Video icon.
  3. Select Choose Virtual Background.
  4. Click the + in the upper right and select your new background.
  5. Check the Mirror my video option. You’ll appear backwards but everything will appear normal to the person(s) on the Zoom call.

Zoom Help Center: Virtual background

BONUS → Custom backgrounds in Microsoft Teams: A neat hack from the University of St. Andrews


How to add a Facebook frame
  1. Click the Update button that appears when you scroll over your Facebook profile picture.
  2. Select Add Frame from the menu that appears.
  3. Type Calvin University in the search bar.
  4. Select Proud of My Graduate.

If you need help, please email us: