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N.T. Wright + CICW Visit

  • Saturday, January 22, 2022
  • 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
  • online
  • $15.00

Consider this list of terms that we use to speak about public worship practices: a) worship, b) priesthood of all believers, c) praise, d) sacraments, e) preaching of the Word, f) psalmody, g) contextualization/inculturation, h) benediction, etc. Each term points to a rich, robust element in a Christian theological vision. And yet, each term can be used in overly simplistic ways--in ways that distort our vision. For many years, Tom Wright has been a master optometrist, correcting theological astigmatisms, and helping us refresh our language. Come for an engaging language lesson as we learn to resist cliché and talk in ways that explore the depths of all that scripture has to offer.... 

The ZOOM webinar tickets are available through the Calvin University box office for $15.00. Those who purchase tickets will be emailed a link on Friday, January 21 prior to the event.

This event is sponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.

If you have questions, call 616-526-6088 or email

January 2022
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