Alyssa Scholten

  • Major: MA Speech Pathology
  • Grad Year: 2019
  • Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

The most important part of her college experience for Alyssa Scholten '19 is the people she has met and who have helped her along the way.

What people and experiences prepared you for a career in speech pathology?

One thing that makes our program so special is definitely the people – I feel like they have really put me in the best position to succeed as a future SLP. I have had incredible professors who have challenged me, supported me, and poured into me – striving to make me not only the best possible clinician, but also the best possible version of myself that I can be. I have had brilliant clinical instructors who have helped me maximize my strengths and address my weaknesses as a clinician. I have been blessed to have a great mentor who has directed me through the program since freshman year, providing educational, mental, and spiritual guidance through the past years. Lastly, I’ve been surrounded by a really phenomenal group of classmates who encourage me, motivate me, and push me to be a better student, clinician, and friend. I feel incredibly blessed by the people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, learning from, and forming relationships with over the past 4 years.

Why did you choose to major in speech pathology?

I chose to major in speech pathology because it was kind of a middle ground between special education and the pre-med. I knew I wanted to do something medical, but I also have always had a heart for children and adults with special needs. For a few summers in high school, I volunteered at a camp for children and adults with special needs. One year, after volunteering with a camper who had ASD, his mother invited me along to one of his speech therapy sessions since I’d mentioned I was maybe interested in speech pathology. It was honestly incredible to see how well he could communicate when he was provided with the right prompts and cues from his speech therapist. That moment was one of the first moments I knew I wanted to be a part of that field that aimed to give people a means to communicate – since then, I’ve grown to appreciate the role that we have in facilitating communication and allowing people to better express themselves and connect with those around them.

What’s one thing you would want to tell someone starting their journey at Calvin?

I would recommend really getting to know your professors – they are really amazing people with unique stories and a wealth of knowledge. They are such a cool resource provided for you, and I don’t think enough people take advantage of that in their time at Calvin. I’d also tell them to soak up every minute of these 4 or 5 years – even the stressful times. It goes by so quickly; I don’t know how we are already in our 5th year!

How has your faith grown at Calvin?

My faith has grown exponentially over the past 4 years. I came from a small Christian high school nearby where I knew everyone and we all had similar views. Calvin has helped me in connecting me to Christians of other denominations and other faith journeys who have had different experiences than I have. This has forced me to really think about what I believe and why I believe it – deepening and strengthening my faith. It has also helped me grow in appreciation for the broader Christian community.

What’s one thing that surprised you about Calvin?

I was honestly surprised by the community here at Calvin and the amount of love and support I’ve received. To have professors who pray with you and for you and check in on you even after you’ve been out of their class for a few semesters is really a special thing. I was surprised at how much they valued authentic connection – honestly, I think that’s what sets Calvin apart from most other schools. I have met some of the most amazing people in my 4 years here so far, and they are relationships I hope to maintain for many years to come.

What is your favorite space on campus, and why?

One of my favorite places on campus is this little area under the stairs in the field house where there are some tables and a fireplace. I spent the greater part of my sophomore and junior years there studying. I played volleyball here at Calvin for a few years and was friends with a lot of the other athletes, so it was a fun place to study because I’d run into teammates of mine headed to workout, friends headed to lacrosse or soccer practice, etc. and have built-in study breaks chatting with friends.

Describe Calvin in three words or less:

Christ-centered. Character-building. Connection-driven.