Contact Us
Please note that unencrypted email and voicemail are not confidential mediums for communication. Because we are concerned about protecting clients' privacy, counselors do not use unencrypted email or voice mail to discuss clients’ clinical issues. In addition, Center for Counseling and Wellness staff members do not maintain 24-hour access to email and voice mail accounts. To make, cancel or reschedule an appointment, call the office at (616) 526-6123.
Primary contact
- Phone:
(616) 526-6123 - Fax: (616) 469-2979
- Email:
Office hours
Monday through Friday, 8am–5pm
You will find the Center for Counseling and Wellness on the top floor of the Spoelhof University Center (SC368), next to the Residence Life office and across the hall from Financial Services. Look for our unique stained glass door. Counselors may be seen by appointment. To schedule, cancel, or reschedule an appointment, call the front desk at (616) 526-6123.
Concerned about a student’s well-being? Submit a Student Concern report for follow-up by caring staff members on campus. In case of emergency, call 911 or Campus Safety (616-526-3333).