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Stephanie Bergman



When I reflect on my life and experiences, it does not surprise me at all that I have landed where I am today. So many of the stand-out points in my journey have been characterized by learning to develop healthy relationships, thriving under the gentle guidance of trusted mentors, facing a variety of personal difficulties that forced me to develop new levels of resilience and a greater dependence on God – and in doing so have been able to (as the CCW mission states) “engage wholeheartedly in God’s work of renewal in the world” in new and exciting ways!

These experiences and growth opportunities are the reason I feel little surprise at the fact that God has laid my path straight into a helping profession like counseling. I am invigorated by the opportunity to come alongside students in the same way so many people have done for me. Seeing college students become equipped to grow and thrive so that they can more fully live into the life and work God has called them to for the advancement of His kingdom? Sign me up. I’m here for that all day, every day.

Living a full life is also important to me – I want to be able to enjoy everything God created for me! In that light, outside of work, there are a wide variety of things I love to surround myself with: spending time with my husband, my two kind, funny, and brave sons, and my parents and siblings; a good book (or seven) in my hand and in my to-be-read pile; being outdoors taking walks with my dog, playing with my kids, or camping in the summer; investing deeply in the life and work of the local church; taking a good Sunday afternoon nap; plotting my next excuse for why we should visit the ice cream shop (again); sitting around with my friends sharing conversation over coffee; or laughing out loud in the grocery store because of the podcast that is playing in my earbuds.


BS, Kuyper College, Youth Ministry & Bible/Theology, 2010

MA, Spring Arbor University, Counseling, 2014

Professional Experience

I went into my undergraduate studies thinking I had a clear picture of what God had in store for me professionally. What I quickly realized was that He was using my undergraduate years in a very defining way to set me up for all that has followed. While yes, I did graduate from Kuyper College with a Bachelor of Science in Youth Ministry (2010), what I really left with was a deep passion for higher education and the transformation that occurs during the college years! I spent a lot of time talking to trusted mentors about where my gifts could be used best and landed on a return to the books and began graduate studies in Counseling (2014) while simultaneously continuing my work on college campuses.

I have had the privilege of working in a variety of higher education settings. I have served as the Student Life Coordinator at Kuyper College, worked in Admissions, Marketing and Student Support at a local film College, and completed my graduate internship at Aquinas College. I have also been counseling in a private practice setting (designed specifically for college students and young adults) since 2014. I love that now I get to include Calvin University and The Center for Counseling and Wellness on my list, too.