Contact Us
Student Success
Hiemenga Hall 227 | Map
3201 Burton Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
616-526-6151 |
Find staff by topic
- Academic Concerns/Counseling Caitlin Finch
- Attendance checks Caitlin Finch
- CARE Team Lisa Kooy
- Coaching Emily Bosscher
- Disability Services Lisa Kooy, Amy Bell
- ESL Assistance Sara Vander Bie
- International student support Sara Vander Bie
- Knight Scholars program Kyle Heys
- Mathematics instruction Aleen Rose
- Testing and proctoring Laura Stormo
- Tutoring Emily Bosscher
- World language accommodation assessment Lisa Kooy
- Writing Instruction Sara Vander Bie
Our Staff

Kyle H. Heys
Director of Student Success, Director of TRIO: Student Support Services

Lisa Kooy
Assistant Director, Disability Services: Center for Student Success

Laura Rodeheaver-Van Gelder
Assistant Director of TRIO Student Support Services

Laura Stormo
Testing Coordinator