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Calvin International Students

We help make Calvin your home away from home.

Our program is designed to welcome and support students from around the world, ease their transition and empower them to engage in the academic, spiritual and social life of Calvin University both for their personal development and for the enrichment of the Calvin community.

Who are Calvin’s international students?

Calvin has over 400 students on student visas, 60 permanent residents, and over 100 American citizens who have lived much of their lives abroad, all from over 75 countries. While Calvin has international students from all over the world, the largest groups are from Korea, Canada, and Ghana with significant numbers from China, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, SE Asia, and Central America. Included in this group are many American and Korean “third culture kids” who have grown up in more than one culture.

Who serves international students and where are they located?

The Center for Intercultural Student Development (CISD) and all it staff serve our vibrant International community. In addition, to the CISD staff, Brent Wilkinson, the Immigration Coordinator, is in the Admissions Office in the Spoelhof Center. Sara Vander Bie, ESL Coordinator and Academic Counselor for Student Success, provides specialized academic support to International Students and Non-native English Language Learners. She is also located in the Spoelhof Center.

In what ways does our programming try to support international students?

  • Helps them find a community here where they can feel at home
  • Helps them transition well to the American culture
  • Encourages them to engage & interact well with their American counterparts
  • Leadership development opportunities
  • Equips them to utilize their voice and advocate for themselves
  • Prepares them to serve in our world once they leave this place

How can I get involved?

There are multiple ways to get involved. Come to our programs and fellowship groups. Participate in Unlearn Week and Rangeela. Join our student leadership teams. Spend time working, relaxing and building relationships in our shared space. Applications for the next academic year become available each Spring. Apply to be an International Passport Orientation leader, Rangeela Committee member, or International Student Association Committee member.

We are committed to providing a safe and accepting environment for students here at Calvin.

Student Organizations

There are over 70 student-run organizations that one could join. Some multicultural student organizations include: