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Calvin Contact Person Responsibilities

After Approval but before Arrival

Plan early: For non-U.S. citizens, applications must be submitted at least six months before the visit begins.  U.S. citizen applications must be submitted at least three months before their proposed arrival date.  All materials need to be received by the dean for faculty development from the nominating office or department with sufficient lead time. Go to "application instructions" if you have not yet answered all of the initial questions.

The Calvin contact is responsible for all visiting scholar arrangements, including those related to the following:

  • Hold initial conversation with the candidate. Review application instructions. Complete and submit online application to the dean. Remember to include the applicant's CV, letter of interest/project description, and letter of support from the sponsor.
  • If visitor is a non-US citizen, the contact person must coordinate the visa setup with human resources and the Provost Office who will put the visitor's information into the Calvin system. This will include assigning a Calvin ID# and arranging for faculty privileges, which will include picture ID, library, and fieldhouse access.
  • If no visas or salaries are involved, the Calvin contact should submit the online applicationThe assistant for the dean for faculty development will make sure the visitor's information is entered into the Calvin system and provide the contact with a Calvin ID# for the visitor and/or their spouse (the spouse will need a separate ID if they would like to use Spoelhof Fieldhouse facilities).
  • Office space: Work with your department chair/academic deans to plan for visitor office space.
  • Once a visitor has been entered into the system, the Calvin contact will receive an email from CIT that includes the link for IT service's Newcomer Request Form. (The HelpDesk can assist with any questions.) Requests can include:
    • computer - hardware and software
    • Groupwise email account
    • phone services
  • After the request form is processed (about a week), the Calvin contact will receive a packet of information from CIT that contains the visitor's Novell and Moodle username and password, along with other technology details.
  • Keys and building access can be coordinated through Campus Safety.
  • Proof of health insurance (document in English meeting DOS standards) is required upon entry into the United States for non-US citizens. Information on obtaining health insurance can be found here.
  • Assist applicant in finding housing and furnishings. If no furnished housing is available, the visiting scholar is responsible for supplying all of their own furnishings.
  • If visitor's children will be attending school, coordinate school enrollment information.
  • Coordinate flight and welcome at airport.
After Arrival
  • Arrange meeting with human resources and payroll: For non-US visitors, the department contact and visitor are required by the Department of State to meet with human resources within five days of arriving in the country for an orientation and review of visitor's health insurance documents. Please note that visiting scholars should plan to come directly to Calvin from their home country.
  • Provide visitor web link to Visiting Scholar Resource page.
  • Assist visitor in obtaining a social security number if they will be paid. They can apply for their card 10 days after arriving. If they apply too soon, it will be rejected.
  • Assist visitor in obtaining a driver's license, if needed.
  • If needed, assist visitor in obtaining Calvin parking permit through Campus Safety, provide initial orientation, including picture ID(s), tour of library and fieldhouse, introduction to colleagues, familiarization with Calvin resources, campus tour, etc.
  • Coordinate local bank account.
  • Set up regular meeting schedule.
  • If visitor would like to sit in on any classes, make sure to introduce them to professors (be sure visitor knows how much textbooks cost).
  • If the visitor would like to speak on a topic of general interest to the Calvin Community, please work with the dean for faculty development to arrange a public lecture and possible reception.
  • Provide human resources prior notice of any travel by a non-U.S. visitor outside Grand Rapids.
At Conclusion of Visit

For all visitors:

  • Confirm that keys, ID cards, library books, office contents, borrowed items, and any other Calvin material have been returned. Give visitor notice of immediate shut-down of permissions and access in Calvin systems (especially computer systems).
  • The Calvin contact is responsible for conducting an informal interview with the visitor and providing the dean for faculty development (and human resources if non-U.S. visitor) with a brief program report (due within one month after the visitor's departure). The report should include the following:
    • Visitor's updated home, institutional, and email addresses.
    • Brief description of progress on visitor's intended research during their time at Calvin.
    • Brief assessment of Visiting Scholar program, including any successes and/or problems; include any recommendations for improvement.
    • Detailed summary of any participation in campus activities (classes, workshops, etc.) and any involvement in local community activities.

For all non-U.S. visitors (per Department of State requirements):  Provide a complete list of all trips and other travel taken in the United States during their visit.

Questions? Please contact the Office of the Dean for faculty development.