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VSP Application Instructions

An application must be completed by the Calvin contact person and submitted to the dean for faculty development and research initiatives via workday. To complete an application, go to workday and type "create request" in the search bar, then select the visiting scholar application. For a job aid to help you, go here. The dean will review the submitted information and determine what further steps must be taken.

Please gather the following information and review the Calvin contact person's responsibilitiesbefore filling out the application:

Visiting Scholar personal information required

  • Complete curriculum vitae. Be sure to include applicant's full name and title, complete mailing address, telephone #, email address, currently held position (graduate student, research associate, pastor, professor), field of specialization, educational degree, and most recent degree and from which institution.
  • Letter of interest with a brief description of the work the applicant will pursue at Calvin.
  • Letter of reference from someone in the applicant's field of study.
  • Applicant’s nationality.
  • If non-U.S. citizen, date of last visit to the U.S.
  • Does the applicant have legal documents (current passport, Social Security number, visa, driver's license)?
  • Will the applicant have personal income or other financial resources sufficient to cover all expected living expenses and travel?
  • Does the applicant expect to be accompanied by family members during the visit?
  • Health coverage is required. What kind of health insurance policy will cover the applicant (and family) during their visit?
  • If non-U.S. applicant with school-aged children who will be attending local schools, has applicant checked with the schools to determine the school's student visa preferences?

Further information required regarding the proposed visit

  • Name of the sponsoring Calvin department, center, or institute.
  • Name and title of the Calvin contact (within the sponsoring department, center, or institute).
  • Letter of support from the sponsoring department, center, or institute.
  • Proposed time frame for the visit (start and end dates).
  • If applicant is a non-US citizen, what visa arrangements are planned?
  • Does the Calvin sponsor expect the applicant to be paid through Calvin University (wages, stipends, honoraria, or salary)? If paying a non-U.S. applicant, J-visa or visa waiver must be in place.
  • Does the Calvin sponsor expect to reimburse the applicant for any expenses?
  • Does the Calvin sponsor expect to provide the applicant with an office on campus?
  • Does the Calvin contact expect to assist the applicant with finding housing, transportation, schools for children, etc? (NOTE: school tuition credits are not available for non-employees.)
  • What level of Calvin IT permissions will be requested for this visitor?
  • Has the Calvin contact previewed the entire visiting scholar process and agreed to these responsibilities?

Questions? Please contact the Office of the Dean for Faculty Development and Research Initiatives.