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Summer Term

Taking online classes at Calvin in the summer is a unique opportunity to concentrate on your studies and receive Calvin credit at a reduced cost—and you may be eligible for financial aid.

Calvin students: register now

All others: apply to take a summer course

Benefits of an online summer course

If you’re a college student, taking a course during summer is great way to raise your GPA, meet core requirements, and learn in a more focused, flexible environment.

If you’re a high school student, the Academic Transitions course will give you a huge advantage when you start college.

Click here or on the button below to browse Summer Term course offerings.

Browse Summer Term Course Offerings

Frequently Asked Questions about Summer Term

I'm an admitted student for Fall 2024. How should I register for a summer term course?    
Admitted students for Fall 2024 are still considered "guest students" for the purposes of summer term, and should complete the guest application to register for a summer course.

I'm an admitted student who plans to register for a summer course as a guest student. Will this have any effect on my admitted status for fall 2024?    
No—registering for a summer course as a "guest" will not change or otherwise affect your admitted status.

How do I know which summer course will fit best with my major and academic plan?    
If you have questions about which course is best for your major, please contact the Center for Student Success at for assistance.

When is the deadline to sign up for an online summer course?    
Registration for summer classes will remain open until either the course fills up (in which case this list of courses will be updated to reflect this) or the course begins, whichever happens first.

Are summer courses fully online? Do they require any on-campus work (for tests, exams, classroom activities, etc.)?    
Summer classes marked as online (noted by a computer icon next to their name in the list on this page) are conducted online in their entirety. There are no on-campus activities or requirements for online courses.

Is financial aid available for incoming freshman students who want to take a summer course?    
Financial aid for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 does not apply to the Summer 2024 term. Summer classes are offered at a reduced rate of $575 per credit hour ( For questions about setting up payments or other financial questions, see the Financial Services website. Note that the bill for the Summer 2021 term will be sent to your email address.

What summer term classes meet core requirements?    
Most summer courses will meet Calvin’s core requirements. Specific questions should be directed to the registrar at

Some courses list a lab section. How do labs work in an online environment?    
Labs are taken online at the same time as the main course. Professors have adapted the laboratory experience to take place in an online environment.