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Apply for grants and submit progress reports. Contact us if you have questions.

In each academic year the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship awards grants to a variable number of Scholars drawn from both within and from outside the Calvin University faculty. Scholars from outside the Calvin University faculty must apply as part of a team. Teams of Scholars shall have at least one member of the Calvin University faculty. The coordinator of such a team shall be a member of the Calvin University faculty

Find resources to apply for major grants and small grants, and submit your progress report.

Below are full instructions for how to apply for a major grant. All application documents must be uploaded in PDF format.

1. Meet with CCCS Director no later than September 25, 2023.

  • The Advisory Council encourages colleagues to meet with the director of the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship, Professor David Wunder, as they develop their vision for each Major Grant.

Faculty are also encouraged to discuss their plans with their Department Chair.

2.  References

  • Calvin University department chair endorsement (form here)
  • A Calvin University colleague
  • A non-Calvin University colleague

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that reference letters are emailed to the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship in PDF format by October 2, 2023. Referees should not include current members of the Advisory Council in order to maintain objectivity in the review process. Letters should be addressed to the Advisory Council and be sent to:

Margie Styf
Program Coordinator
Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship

3. 3-6 Page Project Proposal in PDF format

The project proposal should describe, for non-specialists, the following:

  • The problem, question, or issue the proposed project will address
  • The means by which the project will address the problem and the methodology that will be employed
  • The product(s) that are anticipated, including a descriptive outline of proposed book chapters or articles, if relevant
  • The audience(s) that will be targeted, and the means of dissemination that are anticipated
  • The relation of the project to the purposes and goals of the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (please see the Christian Scholarship at Calvin College document), its significance for intentional Christian scholarship, and its timeliness
  • The participants who will be involved, their specific roles and responsibilities, and their qualifications for this particular project

4. 2-3 Page Project Bibliography in PDF format

5. Timeline for the Project in PDF format

6. Budget for the Project in PDF format

7. Curriculum Vitae for all participants in PDF format

8. If your proposal includes a request for course release time

If your proposal includes a request for course release time, your application will be considered both by the CCCS Board and by the Faculty Development Committee. Please provide the following additional information, required for a CRF, in the online CCCS application. You may cut and paste as appropriate from your longer CCCS application.

  • 250-word description of the expected project outcomes and the benefits to the applicant, the profession, and the university.
  • 250-word pedagogical impact statement. Describe any contributions that the project will make toward course/curriculum development and implementation (be sure to include any FEN- or sustainability-related elements).
  • 250 word work schedule or other justification that explains why the requested teaching reduction is appropriate for the proposed project.
  • 250-word statement of supplemental support, if your project requires funding beyond the teaching reduction afforded by the CRF.

9. Faculty planning research with human subjects

Faculty involved in the planning of research that involves human subjects in any way, from interviews or questionnaires to medical procedures with living persons or bodily substances, must submit a research proposal to the current chair of the Institutional Review Board (IRB).  The board is mandated by governmental agencies to review and approve research with human subjects using one of the following processes:

  • Provide an exemption
  • Conduct an expedited review approval or
  • Approve the project after full review

As a small board which meets regularly, the IRB is committed to facilitate the advancement of faculty research programs as quickly and easily as possible. Applicants must have applied for IRB approval and must certify IRB approval before receiving CCCS monies. Please consult the IRB page for further instructions if your research involves human subjects.

10. Online Application

Complete the online application, uploading all documents in PDF format by October 2, 2023.

Complete online application

After you have received a Major Grant:

  • The grantee must submit an annual progress report by June 15.
  • All publications that result from the CCCS Major Grant should acknowledge the support of the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship for the project.

Annual Progress Report Form

Past Recipients

Emily J. Helder (Psychology), “Religious meaning-making in adoptions: Perspectives of adult adoptees.” 
Geert Heetebrij (Communication), “Faith Under Fire” The production of a historical documentary about the role of faith in Reformed Christian responses to the 1940-1945 Nazi-occupation of the Netherlands.
Brian Bolt (Kinesiology) and Chad Carlson (Hope College), “The Second Global Congress on Sports and Christianity”

Kevin den Dulk (Political Science) and Robert J. Joustra (Redeemer University College), “Charting a Course: A Proposal to Engage Christian Scholars and Practitioners of International Affairs”

Matthew Heun (Engineering) and David Warners (Biology), “Beyond Stewardship”

Lewis Klatt (English), “Christian Poetics Summit”

Debra Buursma (Education), “Sacred Space Pedagogy Summit: Exploring Faith-shaped Renewal in Higher Education”

  • Stephanie Sandberg (CAS), “Stories In Blue: With an Aim to End Human Trafficking”
  • Christiana de Groot (Religion), “Bible and Women Translation Project”

    Henry Luttikhuizen (Art History), “Christ Among Us”

    Rebecca McBride (Political Science), “Teaching for Mission in an Increasingl Globalized World”

    David Noe (Classics), “Westminster Assembly Divines Translation Project”

    William Romanowski (Communication Arts and Sciences), “Movies and the Religious Imagination: Belief, Values, and the Power of Perspective”

    Roman Williams (Sociology), “Picturing Faith, Studying Congregations”

  • Brian Bolt (Kinesiology), “A Declaration of Faith and Sport.”

    Joel Carpenter (Nagel Institute for World Christianity) and Joel Zwart (Center Art Gallery), “Between the Shadow and the Light: An Art Exhibit arising from Project R5 in Africa.”

    Kevin Corcoran (Philosophy), “The Conscious Persons Project: Human Brains and Problems of Consciousness.”

    Carl Plantinga (Communications Arts and Sciences), “The Spectator Judge: Affect and Ethics in Narrative Film.”

  • Joel Carpenter (Nagel Institute for World Christianity), “A South African Seminar for Artists.”

    Donald De Graaf (Off-Campus Programs) and Mwenda Ntarangwi (IAPCHE), “Internationalizing Christian Higher Education.”

    Pennylyn Dykstra-Prium (Germanic & Asian Languages), “The CQ Community Building Project..”

    Jonathan Hill (Sociology) and Perry Glanzer (Baylor University), “Faith on Campus: A Conference on the Religious and Moral Lives of American Undergraduates.”

    Clarence Joldersma (Education) and Lambert Zuidervaart (Institute for Christian Studies), “Truth Matters: Knowledge, Politics, Ethics, Religion.”

    William Katerberg (History), “Special After All? Humanity, Religion, and Science in the History of the Universe.”

    Tracy Kuperus (International Development Studies) and Amy Patterson (The University of the South), “Citizen Mobilization in Africa: A Role for Christian Organizations?”

    Julie Walton (Kinesiology), “Come Back to the Table: the Christian Practice of Shared Meals.”

Below are full instructions for how to apply for a small grant. All application documents must be uploaded in PDF format.

1. Meet with Dean for Faculty Development and Research Initiatives

Faculty intending to apply for a grant should speak with David Wunder before submitting an application no later than April 19, 2024.

The deadline for submission of the Small Grants proposals is April 26, 2024. Funds will be available beginning July 1. 

2. Chair Endorsement Form

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the Chair Endorsement Form is submitted by his or her department chair (or, in special circumstances, the academic dean) by April 26, 2024. 


3. Project proposal

The project proposal should describe the project in 500–800 words for non-specialists, including relation to the purposes and goals of the CCCS, significance and timeliness of the project, and the potential impact of the project for specific audiences. Please submit this proposal in PDF format.

4. Additional information needed?

  • A brief explanation of the cross-disciplinary nature of the project, if applying for an initial grant
  • Publication date and venue, if applying for a concluding grant
  • Timeline for the project in PDF format
  • Budget for the project in PDF format

5. Curriculum vitae for all participants

Please include a CV for all participants in one PDF file. If you need help, contact Margie Styf, CCCS Administrative Assistant, or (616) 526-6555.

6. Grant Application

Complete the online application, uploading all documents in PDF format, by April 26, 2024.


Concluding Report and Responsibilities

Each funded Small Grant must complete a report at the conclusion of the funding period. All products that result from the CCCS Small Grant should acknowledge the support of the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship for the project.

Quick Links to Important Forms

More Information

Below are sample budget items (per person, per day) to assist in the preparation of your proposal. Please review the Calvin University policies for information on approved reimbursable expenses.

Travel: Within U.S.$600
Travel: International$1200
Room Rental, Meals, and Refreshments (Prince Conference Center) 
Per diem costs for food$31
Off-campus Lodging$100
Calvin Lodging (Contact: Prince Conference Center for current rates) 

The CCCS asks all grant recipients to annually report on the progress of their projects each summer by the end of July.

Information provided in this report may be used in public documents. Please send confidential material in a separate document to the director.

Annual Progress Report



Margie Styf portrait in front of greenery

Margie Styf

Administrative Assistant