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CCCS Major Grant Application

This application is for a CCCS Major Grant beginning on July 1, 2024.

WARNING: This online application DOES NOT allow you to save a completed version of the application to your desktop. You should receive an automatic email copy of your application after you submit. If you do not, please request a copy from CCCS. If you need to correct errors or update your application before the deadline, you may resubmit the application and your earlier version will be deleted.

First Name
Last Name
Full Email address
Project Title
Total budget requested from CCCS
Project Abstract (150 words)
Additional participants (include name, position/title, and college affiliation) 
Curriculum Vitae - If multiple participants, combine all CVs into one PDF file and attach. (Lname_cvs.pdf)
Course Release Time: If your proposal includes a request for any course release time, please check here to be included in the CRF pool and to complete additional information justifying the course release. You may wish to refer to your project proposal and cut and paste as appropriate.

Before you complete this section, you must discuss your project plans and outcomes with your department chair. Once you have submitted your application, your chair (or academic dean) will receive an automatic email with a link to view your application, your funding history, and a link to the Chairs Endorsement Form.
Choose your chairperson's (or academic dean's) name (required)

Chairperson (or academic dean) complete email address (required)


Date of Hire (mm/yyyy)
Year in which terminal degree was awarded (mm/yyyy)
Tenured? (check if yes)

New Application, Continuation, or Resubmission     

# Fall Units Requested     # Interim Units Requested    # Spring Units Requested


Please provide the information requested below. Each text box has a 250-word limit.

Describe the expected project outcomes and the benefits to the applicant, the profession, and the college.

Pedagogical impact statement. Describe any contributions that the project will make toward course/curriculum development and implementation (be sure to include any FEN- or sustainability-related elements).

Provide a work schedule or other justification that explains why the requested teaching reduction is appropriate for the proposed project.

If your project requires funding beyond the teaching reduction afforded by the CRF, explain where you will be getting that supplemental support.


Project Proposal - The project proposal should describe in 3-6 pages, for non-specialists, the following:

  • The problem, question, or issue the proposed project will address;
  • The means by which the project will address the problem and the methodology that will be employed;
  • The product(s) that are anticipated
  • The audience(s) that will be targeted, and the means of dissemination that are anticipated
  • The relation of the project to the purposes and goals of the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (please see the Christian Scholarship at Calvin College document), its significance for intentional Christian scholarship, and its timeliness

Upload Project Description: .pdf formatted (Lname_cccsproposal.pdf)

Timeline for entire project including, but not limited to, course release time
Descriptive outline of proposed book chapters or articles, if relevant
Description of the participants who will be involved, their specific roles and responsibilities, and their qualifications for this particular project
Outside funding. Provide the sources and amounts of other support you have secured or are seeking.
Explain any previous funding for current project.


  1. Please provide the names of references who will be sending letters of support for your project. Three are required: one Calvin College colleague, one non-Calvin College colleague, and one additional letter. Without these, your application will not be considered complete.
  2. Please have all your references address their letters to the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship and email their letters in PDF FORMAT to Margie Styf at
  3. NOTE: You may use letters of reference on file in the office of the Dean for Research & Scholarship if they pertain to the same project. Please contact the CCCS Program Coordinator, Margie Styf, at (526-6555) if this applies to your project.
Calvin Chairperson's Name
Calvin Chairperson's Email Address 
Reminder: send your chair the Chair Endorsement Form
Non-Calvin Colleague's Name
Non-Calvin Colleague's Email Address
Reference #3 Name
Reference #3 Email Address

Additional notes/comments/questions.

E-SIGNATURE must be checked in order to submit application.
By checking this box, I certify that the information given in this application is true and complete without evasion or misrepresentation. I understand that willful omission, falsification, or incomplete statements within this application may jeopardize my potential for funding.



Margie Styf portrait in front of greenery

Margie Styf

Administrative Assistant