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School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Historical Studies

Study history. It’s a way to study everything.

We study the past to understand humanity's place in the world, to remember those who came before us, and to help us live more wisely in our own time. Get your hands dirty leafing through manuscripts, handling treasures unearthed from ancient cities, and studying abroad, exploring the great sites of London or Budapest.

You’ll be well-equipped for a wide range of internships and careers as employers increasingly seek out majors in the humanities for their creative thinking and critical insight. Visit our department blog, Historical Horizons, to join us in discussions about the field of history, contemporary issues, our ongoing research and more.

Explore Programs

Africana Studies Minor

Delivery Mode
On Campus
Degree Options

Archaeology Minor

Delivery Mode
On Campus
Degree Options

Classical and Medieval Studies Minor

Delivery Mode
On Campus
Degree Options

Gender Studies Minor

Delivery Mode
On Campus
Degree Options

History Major, Minor

Delivery Mode
On Campus
Degree Options

Social Studies Education (5th to 9th Grade) Minor

Delivery Mode
On Campus
Degree Options

Social Studies Education (7th to 12th Grade) Major

Delivery Mode
On Campus
Degree Options

Our Scholarships

You are eligible for our department scholarships!

Named Scholarships

are gifts from real people who care about your success.


for named scholarships between December 1 and January 31.


to match you with any scholarships you qualify for!

Encounter history in an off-campus program

Venture far beyond the classroom with a Calvin off-campus program that will immerse you in global history and culture firsthand.


Delve into the archaeology of Jordan

Learn about the history, cultures, and religions of the Middle East while excavating at the breathtaking site of Umm el-Jimal.

Roman style columns

Spend a semester in Britain

Pursue your history studies at Liverpool-Hope University in this semester-long program in Britain.

Elmina Castle under a blue sky, surrounded by palm trees.

African Diaspora and "Homegoing" in Ghana

Students will explore Ghana's history, culture, and contemporary issues, including its role in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, through visits to cultural sites and NGOs, engaging with local scholars and literature, and reflecting on their experiences through journals and essays.

Upcoming Events

Historical Studies Faculty

Ruth Aardsma

Ruth Aardsma

Adjunct Professor of History
Joel Carpenter

Joel A. Carpenter

Senior Research Fellow, Nagel Institute | Professor Emeritus
Craig Hanson

Craig Hanson

Professor of Art History | Associate Director, Honors Program
William Keterberg

William Katerberg

Curator of Heritage Hall | Director of the Mellema Program in Western American Studies | Professor of History
(616) 526-6047 (personal office), (616) 526-6916 (archives)
Caleb Lagerwey standing near a tree and smiling

Caleb Lagerwey

Adjunct Instructor, History & Social Studies Education
Karin Maag

Karin Maag

Director of H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies Professor
Darrell Rohl

Darrell Rohl

Associate Professor of History | Director of Archaeology Program
Martin Spence

Martin Spence

Co-Director of Calvin Wayfinder Project | Adjunct Professor of History
Frans van Liere

Frans van Liere

Professor of History | Director of Classical & Medieval Studies Program
Katherine van Liere

Katherine van Liere

Department Chair, Historical Studies | Professor of History
Eric Washington

Eric M Washington

Professor of History | Director of Africana Studies Program