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Gender Studies Minor

Undergraduate Program On Campus

What You'll Learn

With a Gender Studies minor at Calvin, you'll ask questions like: How does gender shape language? How does the Bible frame gender? What does it mean to be a gendered person in today’s society?

In classroom learning and campus events, you'll see how gender relations influence policies, careers, and justice in the contemporary world.

What Makes This Program Great

  • Academically diverse: draw insight from many different fields, including philosophy, sociology, political science, and psychology
  • Christian perspective: Your professors will challenge you to approach gender studies as a way to pursue reconciliation and justice for all of God’s people
  • Prepare for the future: gain practical knowledge you can apply to any career, from business to health science to art
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Elisha Marr

Associate Professor, Director of Gender Studies, Director of Criminology

Eric M Washington

Professor of History | Director of Africana Studies Program

Katherine van Liere

Department Chair, Historical Studies | Professor of History

Jolene Vos-Camy

Professor, French | Chevalière dans les Palmes Académiques
Associate Professor of French, Calvin College (2004-2009)Assistant Professor of French, Calvin College (1999-2004)Instructor of French, Calvin College (1997-1999)Associate Instructor of French,

Sexuality Programming and Support at Calvin

Sexuality Programming and Support

Matters of sexuality and gender and their intersection with the Christian faith are complex. Learn how we engage these matters at Calvin and find helpful resources on campus.

SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Awareness)

A community of LGBTQIA+ students and allies who gather weekly for community-building and learning.

Sexuality Series

An ongoing program of events exploring issues of sexuality and gender from a Christian perspective. 

Safer Spaces

Report an experience of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation.

Diversity and Inclusion

Become familiar with Calvin's commitments to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.