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Social Work Major (BSW), Minor

Undergraduate Program On Campus

What You'll Learn

Develop a compassionate heart for our broken world—and gain the skills you need to do something about it.

In Calvin's accredited bachelor of social work (BSW) program, you'll wrestle with some of society's greatest concerns, like child abuse, drug addiction, homelessness, aging, and mental illness. Through your studies and experiences, you’ll learn what it means for people and communities to flourish.

You'll learn from expert faculty who are actively involved in research on contemporary issues. You'll take your learning even further with a field placement, where you'll get critical hands-on experience. When you graduate, you'll know how to connect groups of people, bring clarity to difficult situations, and improve everyday lives.

What Makes This Program Great

  • Practical experience: Every BSW student will complete a 400-hour placement in a social service agency. You will get hands-on practicum experience at a local organization or during an off-campus semester in Washington DC, Chicago, or Uganda.
  • Calvin's Prison Initiative (CPI): CPI provides inmates at the Handlon Correctional Facility (Ionia, MI) with the opportunity to complete a Bachelor of Arts degree in Faith and Community Leadership and Human Services. Students from the Grand Rapids campus have the option to take several SOWK courses at the Handlon campus alongside CPI students. These "Inside-Out" classes are a unique opportunity to take a look at the Michigan Department of Corrections, experience the power of God's redemption in real-time, and build positive relationships across the two Calvin campuses. 
  • Scholarship support: BSW students can be considered for over a dozen donor-funded scholarships—and that's in addition to other academic and need-based financial aid for which they qualify.
  • Excellent record: Our graduates are prized by both human service agencies and master of social work programs. 95% of BSW students who apply to MSW programs are accepted.

The bachelor of social work degree is designed for students who want to prepare for a career of Christian service as a professional generalist social worker. The program is carried out in the context of the mission of Calvin, which is to offer a Christian education enriched by the insights of the Reformed heritage. Upon completion of the program, students are prepared for entry-level professional social work positions. The BSW program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

Students who wish to pursue a BSW will normally apply to the director of social work by April 1 of their sophomore year. Decisions about admission to the program are made by the social work program committee and are based on the following criteria:

  1. Students must have earned at least 35 semester hours of credit and have completed PSYC 151, SOC 151, and SOWK 240
  2. Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 and a minimum grade of C- in each of the courses just specified
  3. Students must have completed at least 30 hours of social work volunteer or paid service (from no more than two settings) and submit a letter of reference from an appropriate supervisor
  4. Students must submit a written personal statement, which includes information about their commitment to social work as a vocation and their relative strengths and areas for development as potential professional social workers.

The BSW is composed of twelve courses and several social science cognate requirements. The social work major includes courses in social work theory, practice skills, policy analysis, and research, along with a field education experience in a human service agency. Once admitted to the BSW program, students must apply separately to field education at the beginning of their junior year. Student retention and degree completion require a minimum grade of C- in all 200-level social work courses and a C or above in all 300-level social work courses. The core requirements include the liberal arts offerings required of all students, with SOC 151, PSYC 151, BIOL 115, and SOC 255/SOWK 255 required as social work cognates.

A more detailed description of the BSW program is given in the Social Work Handbook, which can be obtained at the department office or online.

Program Requirements

Recommended Minor Tracks

The recommended tracks for a social work minor are only suggestions. Students are not required to complete one of these tracks in order to complete a social work minor.

Total Semester Hours: 18-20


Meredith Mockabee

Adjunct Instructor
Practice experience includes Safe Haven Ministries in case management, legal advocacy, group facilitation and domestic abuse prevention; outpatient counseling and school social work (K-8 and college)