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Classical and Medieval Studies Minor

Undergraduate Program On Campus

What You'll Learn

Gain critical thinking skills and a deep historical perspective that you can apply to any field of study. You’ll learn how the medieval period continues to shape language, religion, literature, and politics even today.

You'll view medieval culture through a wide variety of lenses, choosing courses from 13 different fields. You could analyze iconic artwork, learn about cutting-edge methods of deciphering ancient manuscripts, laugh with the pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales, or do a deep dive into the ideas and values that shaped Western culture.

You'll do all this while being guided by expert faculty who are active leaders in their fields. You'll earn a minor that complements any major, and a unique historical perspective that adds value to any career you pursue.

What Makes This Program Great

  • Hands-on: Immerse yourself in the intricacies of medieval culture. Live in an ancient city while studying off campus. Go on field trips to exciting museums, collections, and libraries. Learn firsthand how to make books and manuscripts.
  • Christian community: Your committed Christian professors will help you discern Christ’s presence both today and in the medieval past.
  • Traverse the globe: Engage with one of our many off-campus programs to take your studies to another continent. Calvin students study in Austria, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia and more.
  • Personal support: Our professors know their fields, and they work to get to know you. They’ll partner with you in research, share a meal, introduce you to opportunities, and help you apply to graduate school.
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Frans van Liere

Professor of History | Director of Classical & Medieval Studies Program