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Adventure Grants

The Adventure Grant program seeks to enhance outdoor expeditions by financially assisting Calvin University students in planning and executing their own outdoor trips. An adventure grant can pay for the gas on trips you plan to take with friends.

Application process

  1. Read the guidelines
  2. Sign the release and agreement / assumption of risk form
  3. Complete the application and trip planning form
  4. Meet with the Adventure Grant committee (email Ryan Rooks to set a time) to briefly discuss your trip proposal. Make sure to bring your release form and a completed application/trip plan form including all estimated fuel costs.


  • Application: TBD
  • Trip summary:TBD

After the trip

Send us digital pictures as well as a paragraph summary of your trip to post on this website to keep the community informed as to what Adventure Grants can provide for the university community.

Release of Calvin University liability

Adventure grants are not official Calvin University trips, but “sponsorship grants” to encourage community building, leadership development and expedition organizational skills, as well as to offset the cost of travel. Student-led spring break trips are not officially organized, promoted or sponsored by Calvin University, HPERDS, Student Development or the Adventure Club Program. As with any self-planned trip, students and student groups drive, travel and adventure at their own risk. All trip participants are entirely and completely responsible for their own safety and the safety of their fellow adventurers.


Ryan Rooks

Ryan Rooks

Director of Campus Recreation and Outdoor Programs 
Full profile