About Us
Intramural sports are for everybody—that means you. We offer lots of different sports at different skill levels because it reflects who we are and what we believe: that recreation ought to build you up and build up the body of believers.
Intramurals at Calvin are about participation, having fun and friendly competition. We hope you find something to interest you. Contact us anytime with your questions, suggestions or comments.
Our aim
The Calvin intramural program strives to create positive play/leisure opportunities that:
- Contribute to the development of individuals.
- Develop and strengthen a caring, Christian community on campus.
- Encourage students, faculty and staff to lead active, healthy lives.
Our goals
- Provide open recreation opportunities.
- Facilitate organized activities and leagues.
- Encourage a foundation for lifetime participation in recreation and physical fitness.
- Serve as a resource for recreational opportunities in the community.