Parent Council

The Parent Council is a representative group of Calvin parents who meet on campus twice annually. Together, they foster constructive dialogue between the college and Calvin parents, serve as ambassadors for the college, and support the university's mission.
2024–2025 Members
Parent Council members are willing to talk to the families of prospective or current students about a wide range of topics.
Check out each member's profile below to see their Calvin connections and areas of knowledge and support.

Students/alumni: Jacob ’25, Katherine ’20
Willing to speak about:
- Supporting your students from another state
- Residence life
- International off-campus opportunities
- First to Calvin students (families new to Calvin University)
- Favorites near Calvin (restaurants, shopping, hotels, tourist sites)
Student activities: Geology major / GIS (geographic information systems)

Student: Katelyn ’25
Willing to speak about:
- Transitions from a public high school
- Taking early college courses in high school
- Supporting your students from another state (with family in West Michigan)
- Balancing time commitments with sports and study (pre-med, double major)
- Calvin's Reformed faith commitments and spiritual formation—perspectives from a Christian Reformed Church (CRC) pastor
Student activities: Basketball, pre-med

Student: Eddie ’26
Willing to speak about:
- Commuter student life
- Entrada
- Engineering program

Students/alumni: Caleb ’24, Hannah ’22, Jena ’20, Hope ’17
Willing to speak about:
- Athletics (particularly cross country and track)
- Giving students space while living close to home
- Using academic support systems
- Working with Calvin’s disability services (Student Success)
Student activities: track (indoor and outdoor), cross country, Barnabas student leaders, kinesiology major (pre-physical therapy), nursing major, business marketing major, mechanical engineering major, Calvin Lifework

Student: Nicholas '28

Student: Cailin '28
Willing to speak about:
- Athletics
- Student support and guidance from afar
- Meeting your student's emotional needs when you can't be with them
- Promoting professionalism in your student: tips for success
Student activities: softball, Honor Scholars program

Students/alumni: Grant ’24, Emma '24, and Jack '26
Willing to speak about:
- Dual enrollment and Spanish immersion programs
- Life and Career Studies program
- Nursing
- Clubs and student involvement
Student activities: Resident life, gospel choir, capella choir (and tour), Barnabas leaders in dorms, social events team (SET) in dorms

Students/alumni: Ethan ’27, Michael ’24, Benjamin ’23, Justin ’22
Willing to speak about:
- Transition to another state for college
- Academic support resources
- NEXUS peer financial coaching
- Knight Investment Management (KIM, student org)
- Jobs on campus
- Financial aid, scholarships available
- Internships in your home state and in Michigan
- Jobs on campus
- Relationships with professors
- Church connections
- Any general questions about the Calvin experience
Student activities: Intramurals (basketball, soccer, volleyball); Perkins Fellows; leadership opportunities in the business program (KIM, NEXUS, and others); majoring in finance, accounting, marketing, or financial planning

Students: Peter ’23, Kate ’25
Willing to speak about:
- Supporting your student from the West Coast
- Transitioning from home to college
- Residence life
Student activities: RA (resident assistant), theater, Arts Collective, student jobs on campus (academic support office)

Students: Ethan '25, Josiah '28
Willing to speak about:
- Spiritual growth, religions questions, and the Reformed perspective (as a Christian Reformed Church chaplain)
- Mental health and ministry
- West Michigan culture, local activities, and services
- International or distance student supports
Student activities: Chimes, Honor Scholars program, Student Senate, ultimate frisbee, international relations, Spanish, French, economics, residence life

Students/alumni: Samuel '22, Colton '24, and Briar '27
Willing to speak about:
- Supporting your student from another state
- Using academic support & Health Services
- Guiding your student with an undecided major
- Honors Scholars program
- Engineering program
- Calvin Core and getting credit for high school classes
Student activities: Honors scholar cohort, History, German, Chemistry, Sustainability Coordinators

Students/alumni: Jason ’26, Trevor ’23, Emily ’18
Willing to speak about:
- Nursing careers
- Residence life
- Athletics
- Intramural teams
- PORT Club (physical, occupational, recreational therapy)
Student activities: Women’s soccer, men’s JV soccer, intramurals, social events team (SET) in the residence halls, PORT Club