Food Insecurity Initiative

Offices and Services / Center for Intercultural Student Development / Events / Food Insecurity Initiative

The Center for Intercultural Student Development is proud to sponsor the Calvin Food Insecurity Initiative

Every month (sometimes twice a month), we will host a food pantry. Students may sign up and order one of six pre-made bags. We also distribute donated meal card swipes that are collected through Swipe Out Hunger. Any Calvin student can access food bags or swipes.

How to apply

Any Calvin student can access food bags or meal card swipes. To apply, fill out our form.

Sign Up

Note: Our form is not open all the time, but typically one to two weeks prior to each food pantry date. Please check back or contact Kieychia Likely to get on our mailing list.

Facts and Statistics

  • 2020

    Center for Intercultural Student Development opened its doors


    Individual food bags served to students by our office


    Meal swipes distributed to students by our office

Upcoming food pantry dates

In the news

How can I donate or volunteer?

We gladly accept cash donations (PayPal or credit card):

Donate Now

NOTE: In the drop-down, choose "Other" and add Food Insecurity Initiative in "Other Specification". Thank you!

We also accept food donations and volunteer help (especially in December and April when students are busy with finals). Please contact Jane Bruin or Kieychia Likely to find out more.

What's in a bag?

Please note, items included in each bag are based on availability. Substitutions may be made.

Food pantry order form.png

Contact us

Jane Bruin's staff picture
Jane Bruin

Director, Center for Intercultural Student Development (CISD)

Full profile

Jane Bruin's staff picture
Jane Bruin

Director, Center for Intercultural Student Development (CISD)

Full profile


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