Offices and Services / Center for Intercultural Student Development / Multicultural American Students / Fellowship groups

Blend is committed to inspiring multi-racial students to understand and embrace their racial identity and heritage. We seek to uplift one another and aim to have monthly meetings to further our personal journeys.
We are committed to inspiring multi-racial students to understand and embrace their racial identity and heritage to the Glory of God. Blend members seek to uplift one another as they think deeply, act justly and live whole-heartily as Christ agents of renewal.
We aim to have monthly meetings and meet with one another to further both our personal journeys as well as our journeys as students of color at Calvin University.
This group is intended to be another method for BLEND students to meet, and coming to our gatherings as well as have a place where they can vent and plan time to spend with one another.
Kieychia Likely
Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Thriving
Full profile
- Phone: (616) 526-7003
- Mentoring
- Commons Annex 135