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Open Faculty Positions

Calvin University is internationally recognized as a center of faith-anchored liberal arts teaching and scholarship.

Calvin University seeks faculty members who affirm the Christian faith as expressed by the Reformed confessions and who have academic and personal qualifications for teaching and scholarship.

Calvin is building a tradition of diversity and accessibility and welcomes applications from persons whose personal characteristics will further that commitment. Calvin does not discriminate in the employment of individuals on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, or age.

Calvin University is an educational agency of the Christian Reformed Church and, in compliance with Title VII and other applicable law, reserves the right to give preference in employment based upon religion.


Calvin University does not discriminate with regard to age, race, color, national origin, gender, or disability in any of its educational programs or activities.

The Clery Act

Calvin University is committed to assisting all members of the Calvin community in providing for their own safety and security. The annual Clery security and fire safety compliance document is available from the Campus Safety Department. If you would like to receive a paper copy of the combined Annual Security and Fire Safety Report which contains this information, you can stop by the Calvin University Campus Safety Department in the Mail and Print Services Building at 3230 Lake Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, or you can request a copy be mailed to you by calling 616-526-6751.

The website and booklet contain information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, fire safety, university security law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures, and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus. They also contain information about crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Calvin University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus property.

This information is required by federal law and is provided by the Calvin University Campus Safety Department.

Safer Spaces

Calvin University is committed to performing all of our tasks as a caring and diverse community. Each person – faculty, staff, student, trustee, volunteer, visitor, contractor, and vendor – who has chosen to engage with the Calvin community thereby affirms a willingness to uphold the community's stated standards of conduct and ensure that Calvin University provides a safe environment for students, staff, faculty, and guests of the university.

Harassment, discrimination, and retaliation of any form are a violation of a person’s rights, dignity, and integrity. Such acts debase the integrity of the educational process and work environment and are contrary to the mission and values of Calvin University. In response to any reported misconduct, the university will take appropriate steps to eliminate the misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. The university will review and investigate all reports, and provide for fair and impartial evaluation and resolution. Retaliation against a person who makes a good faith report of harassment or discrimination or anyone participating as a witness in an investigation or hearing is prohibited.

Information on Safer Spaces and Title IX may be directed to the website: