Travel Health

Ready to go on a trip? Do your research. Find out what vaccinations you will need for travel to a particular area of the world at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Once you know what vaccines you need, check out our list of vaccines that are available in Health Services.
Once your trip is confirmed
Schedule an appointment with our travel office as soon as possible to allow adequate time to complete any series of immunizations (about four to six weeks before your trip, or longer if a series may be needed).
At your appointment, a nurse will discuss required and recommended immunizations for your trip. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions about travel safety, common medications, etc. Travel consultations will take approximately 30 minutes.
Your visit will be billed to your insurance carrier, but we cannot guarantee payment. Please verify your insurance coverage prior to your appointment. Co-pays, deductibles, and charges not covered by your insurance will be your responsibility.
Calvin program group travel
If you are traveling with a Calvin group, there may be vaccines specific to your trip that are required. Once we receive a confirmed roster from Off-Campus Programs, you will receive correspondence from Health Services, detailing your next steps.
Please visit CDC Travelers' Health for comprehensive information about traveling abroad. This is the travel module referenced by your group leaders, and completing this is part of your travel requirements. Upon completion, please notify Health Services at with your name, Calvin id number, and planned trip destination.