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Vaccinations & Travel Health

The Immunizations and Travel Health office at Calvin University provides comprehensive travel health services and vaccinations for students, staff and faculty of Calvin University and those in the community in need of these services.

About us

We are staffed by providers who are members of the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM), and stay current with all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College Health Association (ACHA), which guide our policies. Our providers are knowledgeable and passionate about immunizations and travel health, and will provide the necessary vaccinations and medications to ensure disease prevention while studying at Calvin, and safe and healthy trips while abroad.

What we offer

  • Vaccinations

    Vaccine preventable diseases are commonly thought to be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, this is not true, and the need to immunize against many diseases continues to persist. Today, safe and effective vaccines are available to protect against diseases in which we might be exposed. While most people think vaccinations are just for children, vaccinations are important for people of all ages. Adults may need additional vaccinations based on their age, disease risks, travel abroad and health status.

  • Travel health services

    International travel can be new and exciting. The Travel Health and Immunization Office provides information, vaccinations and medications for the many different health risks a traveler may face and assist them to prevent illness and injury during international travel.

  • Allergy injections

    When medications fail to adequately control allergy symptoms and avoidance of the trigger is not easy or possible, an allergist may recommend immunotherapy or “allergy shots.” Students who receive regular allergy injections can continue to receive those injections while at Calvin Univerity.

  • Influenza (flu) vaccine

    There are steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from the flu. The CDC continues to recommend influenza vaccination for people who have not yet been vaccinated this season and antiviral treatment as early as possible for people who get sick and are at high risk of flu complications. Make an appointment at Health Services today to get your vaccination, and take everyday preventive actions to stop the spread of germs.