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Student Conference Support Fund

The Office of the Dean for Faculty Development at Calvin University administers a fund to defray the conference travel costs for Calvin undergraduates who are scheduled to present work completed under a faculty-supervised research/scholarship project, for which budgets are insufficient to cover the cost.

  • If a department has funds that can support student travel, an application for student conference support funds should come only after these funds are spent or allocated;
  • The SCS fund is limited so departments should expect to nominate only 1 student per year.
  • When available funds are diminished, priority will be given to applicants who have not received student conference support funding in the past year.
  • The maximum amount of student conference support funds that will be awarded to an individual student in a given year is $300; and
  • Applications must be received and approved by the dean for faculty development prior to the travel in question.
  • All awards are to be paid out as a reimbursement to the student for actual expenses. All supporting receipts must be provided. All Calvin reimbursement policies apply, including guidelines on what kinds of expenses qualify as reimbursable.
  • Student awardee will be responsible for submitting a reimbursement request to the provost's office and a brief (200-word) report summarizing the event. No reimbursement requests will be accepted without the written report.

The sponsoring faculty member must fill out the following application completely for the traveling student. Contact the Dean for Faculty Development if you should have any questions.
*All fields must be filled out completely.