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Audio Visual

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Equipment Use

Equipment Borrowing

Faculty and Staff - Calvin employees may borrow equipment, at no charge, to support any activity of or responsibility to Calvin University.

Students - Calvin students may borrow equipment, at no charge, to support their Calvin University classes, clubs, organizations, events, etc. with permission of the course instructor, staff mentor, RD, or the head to the student organization. Residence Halls are equipped with PA systems, data projectors, and screens, which students should use first if available. AV Department equipment is available to supplement those needs.

Public - The AV department does not rent equipment to the public.

Equipment is not provided for the personal use of employees, students, or the public. The only non-Calvin University events we support occur on the Calvin campus and are scheduled and billed by the Office of Conferences and Campus Events. (OCCE).

Equipment Handling

  1. The AV department does not restrict the use of its equipment to the college campus. You are welcome to take it to wherever your college-related event is happening.
  2. Equipment is loaned for the length of time you actually need it. Typically, that is a day or two but can be longer if your situation warrants it.
  3. The person who borrows the equipment is responsible for returning it on-time and undamaged.
  4. Costs for damage and theft will be billed to the borrower, and the authorizing department may be held partially responsible if the equipment use was required.
  5. Late returns may result in fines or suspension of borrowing privileges.

Laptop Loans

Laptops are available as loans for Calvin faculty, staff, and students to meet a short-term need, normally not longer than two weeks, although extensions can be granted for certain circumstances like Interim travel. Loans are intended for those with an occasional need, such as several times per semester, or those requiring a portable device. 

The AV department does not loan laptops for:

  • sabbaticals
  • extended lengths of time
  • back-to-back renewals
  • availability of an extra computer in an office or department

Laptops are an appealing theft-target, so users are normally required to personally pick up a laptop when borrowing.  The AV department will not drop off a laptop to an unattended office. When requested to deliver a laptop to an auditorium or classroom, the AV department will secure it with the included security cable.

Late Returns

$2.00 per day will be charged for equipment with a replacement value less than $200.      
$5.00 per day will be charged for equipment with a replacement value of $200 or more.

Equipment may be returned when AV is closed by contacting Campus Safety to request meeting an officer at the AV department. Campus Safety is not authorized to let you pick up equipment after hours.


Senior Recitals

If a professional, production-quality recording is required for a senior recital, such as with more than one camera, the event should be recorded by Calvin Video Productions. A charge may be incurred for this service.

Classroom Video Recording

For classroom events recorded with a single camera, the AV department will deliver, setup, and pickup any equipment. Users will be shown how to operate the camera. This service is free although there will be a charge for the videotape or DVD. The AV video editing facilities are available for use and editing help is available upon request.

Non-Classroom Video Recording

The AV department is responsible for supporting Calvin's non-classroom education events, such as guest lectures, at no charge. AV will deliver, setup, operate, and pickup equipment, or allow it to be taken off campus when this does not interfere with support of classroom education. AV will make a good-faith effort to record athletic events held on campus, if requested. AV sends audio and video master recordings to Heritage Hall for archiving.

Recording-Off-Air (ROA) / Copying Audio & Video

The AV department is able to record programs from cable TV, satellite, and the Internet. AV can also transfer and duplicate most audio, video, or film format. Rates for these services are available in the AV department office.      



Use of Audio Visual Facilities

The Video Studio, Control Room, Editing Room and AV equipment are available for use by Calvin University classes, clubs, organizations, etc. Students are allowed to work after hours in these facilities if previous arrangements have been made and if a department employee is present. After hours use of the Studio and Editing Room is scheduled by the Video Producer. Training for these facilities may be required before use and technical support is available upon request. 

Material Fees 

The AV department will charge for materials used. Items for personal use must be purchased when taken. Items for college use may be charged to a department or organization and will be billed monthly. 

The AV department will bill departments for materials supplied to them. Billing is done monthly through Financial Services. Department Budget Officer may receive a notice and details. 


Copyright Basics

The purpose of copyright is to encourage the creation of original work, such as music, movies, software, literature, visual arts, etc., by giving authors these exclusive rights:

  • to make copies
  • to make works derived from the original
  • to distribute copies by sale, rental, lease, or lending
  • to show or perform the work publicly

Copyright laws are a compromise among owners (artists and studios) and consumers (the public and educators). Educators are given some specific exemptions, such as showing video for classroom instruction even though it is technically a 'public performance.' In addition, some uses are allowed under the Fair Use Guidelines.

Fair Use Guidelines

The fair use of a copyrighted work, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is fair use, the factors to be considered shall include:

  • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit education purposes,
  • the nature of a copyrighted work [factual or creative],
  • the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole, and
  • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

Fair Use assumes good faith and fair dealing. It is intended to be supplementary to purchase or rental, not to replace purchase or rental.

Transferring Owned Materials

The AV department will conditionally transfer your owned material from audio cassette to CD or from VHS to DVD.

Personal Use - If the copied material is for personal use at home, it is probably OK. The industry seems to accept that you may listen to your LP on your CD player or mp3 player and watch your video on a DVD player, computer, tablet. 

Personal use for scholarship or research is part of Fair Use.

Instructional Use - When you purchased the material, you became the owner of the physical item and received the right to watch and listen to it for as long as it lasts. However, you did not receive the right to eternally retain the content. You do not have the right to convert it to another format for convenience or to prevent it from wearing out.

A video recording from cable/satellite/antenna may not be indefinitely re-used for classroom instruction. Since it was not purchased or licensed, it is supposed to be erased after 90 days. Here are other options to consider:

  • Use small portions instead of the entire work. (Fair Use)
  • Determine if the copyright has expired or it never was copyrighted.
  • Get permission to copy it from the copyright holder.
  • Locate a commercially available copy on CD or DVD.

Last updated
Current Students
Full-time faculty