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GEO Camp

Do you love the outdoors? Do you think about a sustainable future? Is the idea of studying earth, its geography and environment something you'd like to explore? Then GEO Camp at Calvin University is for you!

GEO Camp at Calvin University is a week-long experience in all things GEO taught by Calvin faculty. From drones to minerals to dunes to maps, we explore different facets of geology, geography, and the environment. And the best part -- it's free (oh and did you know it comes with a couple of $1000 scholarships too?)

Application & Scholarships

  • All students who apply and are accepted to GEO Camp, come for free. 
  • Any student who attends GEO Camp and enrolls as a full-time student at Calvin University after graduation from high school and declares any of the GEO Majors (Geology, Geography, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies):
    • Qualifies for $1000 scholarship applied their Sophomore year (2nd year)
    • Qualifies for the $1000 visit grant from Calvin University

Next Geo Camp: TBD

Check back and watch our socials for updated details!