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Get Involved

How Can You Help?

By engaging the broader business community, the CCIB is able to effectively support and develop the Calvin University School of Business.

Engage our students

Through mentorship opportunities, networking sessions, book clubs, classroom presentations, and more, our students further engage the business community. 

Attend our events

The CCIB regularly hosts and sponsors business-related events which support interaction between students and businesses. Events include the Leadercast, Live2Lead, Executive Breakfast Series, and the annual Calvin Business Partners Awards. 

Sponsor a CAP project

Numerous organizations and businesses have sponsored Calvin Action Projects (CAP), which engage students in project-based learning opportunities and allow them to act as consultants on real business problems.

Hire a graduate or intern

Employers appreciate our students' and graduates' analytical abilities, communication skills, work ethic, and values. Contact the Career Center:

Invest in the CCIB

The CCIB achieves its goals only through the financial support of individuals, families, corporations, and foundations. Consider supporting the CCIB to ensure its good work for years to come. Contact Ken Erffmeyer:

Pray for Calvin University

The most powerful means of support you can give the CCIB and Calvin is to pray for continued grace, clarity, and wisdom for our staff, faculty, and students.


Kristin Groom

Kristin Groom

CCIB Program Coordinator