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The Future

Calvin Tomorrow will provide a clear, transparent, realistic, and hopeful road map for university leaders to reference as the institution looks to fulfill its compelling vision—a vision that is both invitational and transformational.

Calvin tomorrow’s plan will develop a tangible pathway toward:

  • Growth strategies that diversify and increase enrollment;

  • Investing in faculty and staff by restoring salary and benefits, improving professional development, and encouraging faculty and staff engagement in faith and learning initiatives;

  • Capital investment strategies that keep Calvin in demand as it improves dining and community gathering, develops long-term strategies for student housing, and reinvests in academic and athletic facilities;

  • Developing a long-term budget plan to balance revenues with expenses, and invest in institutional growth initiatives to adapt to the future;

  • Cultivating faculty scholarship and student learning anchored in disciplinary study and invigorated by effective collaboration;

  • Advancing the university-wide commitment to Creation care by reducing energy consumption and its associated costs;

  • Equipping people to tell how Calvin University contributes to God’s work in the world.

This plan will provide the university with more lead time and flexibility as it continues to live out a story of transformation, as it thrives through the next decade.