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Orientation Leaders

New student orientation is the intentional process of assisting first-year and transfer students in making the transition to the academic and cultural environment of Calvin University.

Orientation leaders play an integral role in this process by helping new students successfully navigate their first semester on campus; participating with new students in all orientation activities; being an enthusiastic and positive role model; distributing important information in a timely manner; and supporting our university mission in day-to-day contact with new students. Each year, the Campus Involvement and Leadership Office hires approximately 45 orientation leaders.

Any Calvin student with the following characteristics may apply to be an orientation leader:

  • Interest in and commitment to helping new students make a smooth and successful adjustment.
  • Willingness to exercise gifts of creativity, hospitality, and service.
  • Possesses general understanding of Calvin's campus environment (current or previous experience in orientation, a student organization, student leadership, or campus office is highly desirable).
  • Demonstrates confidence and maturity in interpersonal relationships.
  • Strives to manifest Christian commitment in thought, word, and deed.
  • Has a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  • Maintains full-time student status at Calvin and fulfills the university's eligibility requirements for participation in campus activities as reflected in the Student Handbook.

Being an orientation leader is demanding work that requires commitment and dedication. For the full week prior to the beginning of fall classes, orientation leaders will be quite busy. During this week, other obligations and responsibilities should be avoided altogether. Orientation leaders will be involved in all aspects of our new student orientation program.

Our orientation program is divided into a summer component (Orientation) and a fall component (Welcome Week). Orientation leaders will participate in all aspects of the Welcome Week program but not the On-Campus or Online Orientation programs during summer.

  • Spring: All orientation leaders will attend two leadership trainings in April.
  • Summer: Orientation leaders are NOT required to be in Grand Rapids for the summer. We will send information to orientation leaders throughout the summer via email and social media
  • Fall: All Orientation leaders are expected to be at Calvin during the end of August to participate in a three-day training retreat beginning August 23, followed by two days of training on campus. During Welcome Week, which begins August 28, 2025, orientation leaders will mentor a group of about 20 new students through all of the scheduled activities including small group discussions, a diversity seminar, group-building games, and a service-learning project.
    • Orientation leaders will assist new students in moving into the residence halls and will generate enthusiasm for informal networking and social activities.
    • During and after the orientation program, orientation leaders will participate in a reflective evaluation of the entire orientation program.
    • Orientation leaders will be expected to plan one group activity and meet individually or in small groups with every student before the completion of the fall semester.

For their dedicated efforts, new and returning orientation leaders will receive $250 plus a $200 bonus for additional responsibilities (e.g. participating in both the orientation program and following up with students throughout the Fall).

Steps to apply:

  1. Complete the online application to be an Orientation Leader. 
  2. Email your resume to (resume should be a PDF).
  3. Please send out a peer recommendation forms to 20+ friends. (We require 20 completed references)
  4. Contact one person (they can't be students) to submit online recommendations. Applicants are responsible for contacting their references and ensuring that the recommendation forms are submitted by April 1.
  5. Attend an informational meeting in March.

Orientation leader application materials must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1.

Applicants will be notified if they are selected for individual interviews. Students will sign up for in-person interviews. Orientation interns and staff will conduct the individual interviews from April 6-7. Applicants will then be notified if they made it to the group interview on April 11 from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. After the interviews are completed, the orientation staff will select 30-40 orientation leaders. All applicants will then be notified of their status by April  13.