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There are many ways you can support the Calvin Prison Initiative including volunteering in our program or with a partner organization, praying for our work, or contributing financially.


Our volunteer opportunities vary throughout the year and will be posted as they become available. If you are interested in knowing more, you may direct an email to CPI.


We invite you to pray for the following:

  • Prison and MDOC administrators who have graciously allowed our program to operate in the prison. Pray about the decisions they make about policies that affect our and other education programs in prisons across the state.
  • Corrections Officers who have daily interaction with CPI students and who have the task of keeping our staff, instructors, volunteers, and students safe inside the prison.
  • CPI students. Pray that they would be faithful and eager students, foster community among their fellow students, and seek and find opportunities for servant leadership in the prison.
  • CPI leadership. Pray for wisdom as we seek to build a program which honors God and accomplishes His work of reconciliation and restoration in the Michigan prison system.
  • CPI volunteers. Pray for the safety of our faithful program mentors and university and seminary students who regularly visit the prison to provide support for CPI students.



Another way we ask for your support is through financial contribution. Your donation to the program will contribute to our operating costs as well as the support and success of our students. Donations can be made once or as a recurring, monthly gift.

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