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Student rights when referred for college disciplinary action

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When referred for college disciplinary action, Calvin University students have the right to:

  1. Hear a summary of the evidence/report initiating the referral.
  2. Respond to the information/evidence supporting the referral.
  3. Present further information/evidence regarding the situation.
  4. Suggest witnesses and/or avenues of investigation to the hearing officer.
  5. Request additional time to prepare for a hearing (generally 7 calendar days, can be extended by the hearing officer).
  6. Be accompanied by a process advisor. Students can select a process advisor from any member of the Calvin University community (current faculty, staff, or student) to serve as an advisor during a resolution meeting or during a Safer Spaces hearing.
    Note: The advisor cannot directly address the proceeding but may accompany and advise the student during and after the meeting or hearing.
  7. Appeal a sanctioning decision based on college established appeal processes. For more information go to University Student Conduct Process

Current Students
Approved by
Office of Student Conduct