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Programs of Concentration (Majors and Minors)

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Every degree-seeking student must fulfill the requirements of a faculty-approved departmental or group major. Although such major concentrations are not normally chosen until the second semester of the sophomore year, most programs do presuppose the completion of specific freshman and sophomore courses. Official admission to a major program requires the formal approval of a department or program advisor and the completion of a declaration form. Once a declaration form is completed, a student may access a copy of their Academic Evaluation Report, which details the student’s remaining academic requirements. Whenever students change their major, they must again submit a declaration form for the new major. Teacher education group majors and some departmental majors for teachers may be applied only to teacher certification programs.

To be admitted to a department’s major program a student must have earned at least a C (2.0) in each course designated as a prerequisite for admission, unless that department stipulates a C (2.0) average in two or more prerequisite courses. To be admitted to a group concentration a student must have met the GPA required for admission by the primary department within that group. A student not maintaining a minimum average of C (2.0) in the program of concentration may be permitted to remain in that program for a single semester of probation.The various programs of concentration are specified in the section of the catalog, which describes departmental programs and course offerings. Group majors designed for teacher certification programs are described in the education section.

Interdisciplinary Majors

Students may also initiate interdisciplinary majors other than those formally approved by the faculty. Such majors require a minimum of 42 semester hours across three departments.

A minimum of 33 semester hours must be from two departments with no fewer than 14 semester hours from each. At least 6 semester hours of 300-level courses normally must be taken from each of these two departments. A minimum of eight semester hours must be chosen from a third department.

Students must provide a written statement of purpose for such programs. Proposals require the approval of the registrar, two advisors, and the chairs of the departments from which the 33 semester hours are selected. Interdisciplinary major forms are available in the registrar’s office.


Optional six-course departmental minors and group minors are possible in certain fields. A 2.0 average in the minor program courses is required for graduation in them. Minors are described in the departmental sections of the catalog. Only those minors described in the education section are approved for teacher certification.

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