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Intramural Athletics (Team Captains)

Table of Contents


  • Act as an official liaison between your team and the IM office.
  • Organize teams and submit official entries to IM office before deadline.
  • Notify team members of the time and activities of games and events, especially for cancelled or rescheduled games.
  • Become familiar with the rules of the event as well as this policy sheet.
  • Assist IM staff in getting your team members to sign the waiver form and to check in.
  • Assure only registered team members play on your team (see eligibility requirements).
  • Make an effort to see that your team plays according to the rules of the game and follows the code of conduct listed below.


Schedules will be available to team captains via e-mail before Monday's league/tourney's start. The schedules will also be posted on the IM bulletin board.

Rescheduling games

In case of team conflicts: Any team wishing to reschedule their contest must contact the IM office at least 3 business days prior to the contest. The captain initiating the reschedule (captain A) must obtain, from the IM office, a list of possible reschedule times and the opposing captain's (captain B) phone number. Captain A is responsible for rescheduling with captain B and notifying the IM office (526-7089). If the captains cannot agree on a new game time, the schedule will revert to how it was originally scheduled.

In the case of increment weather: Decisions to cancel games due to weather or other unforeseen events will be made by 3:15pm of game days. IM staff will email captains, canceling games by 3:15pm. Team members can hear about cancellations by calling the IM office after 3:15pm on the day of the game.


All students, faculty and staff who have a current Calvin ID (as well as their spouses) are encouraged to participate in Intramural programs. Participants are only allowed to play on one team in each league or tournament.

Levels of competition

For some sports there will be a recreational and advanced league. The advanced league is for better teams seeking a higher level of competition, while the recreation league is based on fun and is intended to be less competitive. Please place your team appropriately. The IM staff reserves the right to place a team in a higher league, if it is necessary to keep the competition as fair as possible.

Code of conduct

Team and individual sport activities find their origin in the basic human need for the spirit of play. Winning and losing are mere outcomes of this play spirit. Abusive languages and/or opponents, teammates, and offices are not part of the game. What is part of the game is the pure satisfaction of participation, getting fit and enhancing friendships. Without an opponent, you have no game, no contest and no fun. We are indebted to them, as they are to us. The spirit of play then is based on cooperation. Upholding high standards of integrity and fair play acknowledges this idea of cooperative competition. All players are encouraged to exercise good judgment in caring for the safety of others as well as themselves. Manipulation of the rules and intentional fouls are considered cheating and a gross offense against the spirit of competition. The goal of lifetime sports for all players may have more meaning than that of a win or a loss, the memory of which often fades quickly. All players are asked to participate within the contest of this spirit of play and competition.

Creating a positive environment for everyone to play and have a good time is everyone's responsibility. Please help IM staff by refraining from the following unsporting behavior: profanity, abusive or foul language, arguing, taunting, flagrant conduct and/or fighting.

Formal complaints

In the event of unsporting behavior please remind the offending person or team to act in an appropriate manner. If the behavior persists, individuals are encouraged to register a complaint with the IM director by filing a complaint form with the IM office. Complaints will be investigated and players or teams will be warned. If two formal complaints are substantiated the individual or team will be suspended for one game. If another complaint is substantiated the individual or team will be banned for the remainder of the season.

Proper attire

Please help us maintain the gym floors by encouraging your team members to wear appropriate shoes in the gym (no black soled shoes, sandals or cleats).

Forfeit policy

Any team or individual that fails to be ready for a contest after five minutes of the scheduled game time will forfeit to the opponent. Forfeited contests will not be rescheduled. Teams with two forfeits during league play will not be eligible for tournament play.


T-shirts will be awarded to winners of special designated events and leagues.

Insurance and liability

All individuals who participate in IM activities will be doing so at their own risk. Each participant is responsible for knowing what their own physical and psychological capabilities are and they are responsible for their participation within the program. Participants are encouraged to have a physical examination before they participate in an IM event. Please remind your teammates that they are required to sign a waiver to release all risk and harm from the IM program and Calvin University . In addition this waiver authorizes IM staff to seek emergency medical services for team members with the understanding that they are responsible for any expenses incurred.

Last updated
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