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About Us

Plaster Creek Stewards is an initiative of Calvin University faculty, staff, and students working with local schools, churches, and community partners to restore the health and beauty of the watershed. Based out of an academic institution, we focus on education and research; but as citizens of this place we know that we can’t stop there, so we are also working directly to restore the watershed.


Partners are a vital part of this restoration work. Their collaboration and support is vital to all that we do.


Get caught up on years of past projects, events, and people all related to the watershed.

2020 Facts
  • 34

    educational presentations on watershed restoration at colleges, conferences, schools, churches, and community events

  • 325

    medium sized trees planted to heal the watershed

  • 511

    Species of Michigan native plant seeds collected

  • 850

    physically distanced volunteers safely gave 1150 hours to restoration work