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Dr. Kristine Johnson

Associate Professor
University Rhetoric Director


Professor Johnson graduated from Calvin College with honors in English in 2004. She then earned her MA (2006) and PhD (2009) from Purdue University, specializing in rhetoric and composition. From 2009–2014, she taught writing and directed the writing program at Xavier University. She began teaching at Calvin College in 2014 and directed the Written Rhetoric program from 2015–2021. She currently serves as the University Rhetoric Director, directing first-year writing, Rhetoric Across the Curriculum, and the Rhetoric Center.

Academic Interests

Professor Johnson’s research interests include teacher preparation, writing assessment, and undergraduate research in writing. She has published in College Composition and Communication, Rhetoric Review, the Journal of Communication and ReligionPedagogy, WPA: Writing Program Administration, Composition Studies, Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, and various edited collections. At Calvin, she teaches courses in composition pedagogy, linguistics, and writing, and she enjoys mentoring undergraduate researchers.
