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Fall 2024 Courses

Arts 395, Brent Williams

Biology 396, Crystal Barrett

Business 394, Rachel Hammond

Chemistry and Biochemistry 396, Chad Tatko

Communication 101, Heidi Weesies

Communication 101, Joy Zoodsma

Communication 101, Kathi Groenendyk

Communication 201, Sara Leo

Communication 311, Garth Pauley

Communication 381, Katie Good

Computer Science 262, Keith VanderLinden

Economics 331, Sung Soo Lim

Education 240, John Walcott

Education 359, Jane Genzink and Becky Toly

Engineering 204, Eric Walstra

English 290, Sabrina Lee

GEO 252, Deanna van Dijk

History 358, Will Katerberg

Nursing 308, Valorie Orton

Philosophy 313, Joe Shin

Physics 339, Loren Haarsma

Politics 310, Micah Watson

Psychology 256, Tyler Greenway

Psychology 399, Tyler Greenway

Pyschology 335, Julie Yonker

Social Work 355, Hennie Schoon

Spanish 370, Dwight TenHuisen

SPAUD 216, Peggy Goetz