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Calvin Strategic Plan 2025

The Vision 2030 Strategic Plan, tied to the newly formed vision statement, is the strategic plan for Calvin for the next decade. It will be divided into two halves, with Calvin focusing on Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025 Goals and Strategies first.

This plan features four goals that serve as focal points for Calvin’s work in the next decade, and the ten strategies specify how the university will enact those goals. As the university of the Christian Reformed Church, Calvin will grow as a faithful, innovative, and collaborative community that serves many types of learners. As it promotes the welfare of the city and the healing of the world, Calvin University will be nurtured by its Reformed Christian roots and energized by working with trusted partners around the globe. In all things, the Calvin community will be characterized by attitudes and actions that demonstrate gratitude for God’s saving grace and profound hope for the renewal of all things.

Goals: what we seek to accomplish

Calvin's Strategic Plan 2025 Goals: Embody, Grow, Collaborate, Build

Download: 2019–2025 Strategy Map (pdf)

Embody a faithful and engaged Reformed Christianity

Confident that conviction and curiosity are mutually enriching, Calvin University will continue to be shaped by Reformed Christian confessions as faculty, students, and staff engage with Christians across the nation and around the globe to live out their faith in fresh ways.

Grow student enrollment by diversifying academic offerings

To extend the reach of Calvin’s mission, Calvin University will attract new students by offering a range of programs and services, degrees and credentials.

Collaborate to enhance learning

To engage the complex challenges of the modern world, Calvin University will encourage collaboration that bridges academic disciplines and fosters external partnerships.

Build spaces that inspire learning and promote community

By investing in its learning environments, Calvin University will support a thriving educational community that promotes the well-being of people and creation.

Strategies: how it will happen

  1. Strengthen the community’s Reformed Christian witness  
    Calvin University will strengthen structures and interpersonal practices so as to equip faculty and staff to carry out the mission of the university. The university will provide ongoing development programs for faculty and staff that cultivate deep commitments to Reformed Christianity, promote vibrant Christian community, include globally-diverse expressions of Reformed Christianity, and support ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.
  2. Enhance the cultural competency of faculty, staff, and students  
    Calvin University will reaffirm its long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion in both local and global contexts. Sustaining the vision in From Every Nation and affirming the Inclusive Excellence framework, Calvin will continue current efforts and launch new initiatives to deepen the community’s understanding of diversity and inclusion and to strengthen its practices for creating a community that increasingly resembles the Kingdom of God.
  3. Employ growth strategies to diversify and increase student enrollment  
    Calvin University will increase student enrollment by offering innovative programs and services that enable the university to continue to draw students from existing markets and to begin attracting students from new markets.
  4. Enact a digital strategy that supports innovation  
    Calvin University will use digital platforms and systems to serve the needs of its learners and constituents and to promote healthy lives, relationships, and communities. This technology will be user focused and demonstrate a wise use of digital resources.
  5. Realize a university structure that drives growth and sustains educational excellence  
    Calvin University will be reorganized into an administrative structure that supports educational excellence by means of innovative processes, collaborative partnerships, and nimble decision-making. In all things, Calvin University will remain committed to teaching, scholarship, research, service, and worship that increases an understanding of God’s world and how to live in it faithfully.
  6. Launch a university-wide undergraduate core to equip students for success at Calvin and prepare them for lives of Christian service  
    Calvin University will offer a university-wide program of core educational experiences that are grounded in the liberal arts and dedicated to helping students develop ways of thinking, knowing, and doing they can rely on in their studies and in the next stages of their lives.
  7. Cultivate faculty scholarship and student learning that is anchored in disciplinary study and invigorated by effective collaboration  
    Calvin University will celebrate the strength of scholarship and depth of learning in academic disciplines. Drawing on these, Calvin University will create opportunities for faculty and students to find cross disciplinary solutions to complex challenges in collaboration with local and global trusted partners.
  8. Invest in student living and learning spaces  
    Calvin University will invest in financially and ecologically sustainable learning and residential spaces as described in the Campus Master Plan (e.g. the Commons Union, Hekman Library, and state-of-the-art classrooms, residential spaces, and outdoor athletic fields) to meet the curricular and co-curricular needs of learners.
  9. Advance a university-wide commitment to creation care  
    Affirming that all of creation is a gift from God, Calvin University will build on its long history of caring for all aspects of God’s world by encouraging scholarship in, student engagement with, and administrative commitments to sustainable practices.
  10. Equip people to tell how Calvin University is contributing to God’s work in the world  
    Calvin University will equip constituents to tell compelling stories that invite and inspire people to join the university as it participates in God’s redemptive work in the world.